“Yes, And…”, not “Yes, But…” in your Business Blog Content Writing

“Educated minds usually see first what is wrong with a new idea,” points out Chic Thompson in his book Yes, But…. “’Yes-butters’ are geniuses at coming up with excuses for inaction.”

Thompson’s advice:” Imagine the expectations and needs of your target audience along with the top three Killer Phrases a naysayer would say.  Practice de-fusing the killer phrases.”  Thompson wasn’t specifically addressing the subject of corporate blogging for business, but his advice can be of great business blogging help. Here are some reasons why:

  • “Yes, but..”, Thompson explains, can be seen as a request for more information and more “proof”. In corporate blogging training sessions, I encourage freelance blog writers to incorporate testimonials to “prove” that your business can satisfy online searchers’ need.
  • “Yes, but…” might be the expression of a real concern.  Clarify that concern, says Thompson – image, cost, past failure – and address it. Addressing problems and misinformation in corporate blog writing goes a long way towards shedding light on your  expertise and of gaining readers’ trust.. Those real concerns might have been expressed in the form of negative comments on the blog, negative social media reviews. There might simply be widely held misinformation concerning some aspect of your industry or profession.

“Often the only thing not working is our old way of viewing the problem,” Chic Thompson observes. ”’Yes, but…’ ends the conversation; ‘Yes, and…’ allows a dialogue, “ he adds.

 SEO marketing blogs are actually perfect vehicles for defusing “Yes-but”s.  Each time you post content (or use a freelance blog content writer to post content), you’re adding to the overall power of the “and” in the “yes, and..”. The online searchers who found your blog may have concerns and may be incompletely informed, but the very fact they were directed to your blog means they had an interest in your subject and are looking for the very sort of products, services, and information you’re eager to provide!

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