Tying Back in Business Blog Writing

Tying to the audience, for a speaker, means informing listeners how your speech will relate to them and establishing a connection between you, University Center of Rochester speech teachers tell their students. But, in “Quick and Dirty Tips on How to End a Speech”, Lisa Marshal talks about effectively winding up a speech. “My idea,” she says, “is to tie back your residual message to something you’ve mentioned earlier in the speech.” That helps the audience feel a sense of familiarity with both the topic and the speaker, she explains.

Marshall’s suggestion of using a Call to Action as the tie-back in a persuasive speech is perfectly suited to business blog content writing.

  • Using the same phrasing in the closing paragraph as was used to capture interest in the “Pow!” opening line helps online readers feel that sense of familiarity – the words ring true because those readers have “heard it before”.
  • In “All Write With Coffee”, fellow blogger Annelle Altman puts it another way: The reader has the earlier information in the back of their minds, and at the end, that information makes the entire story fit together.

    In the same way, tie-backs can be of business blogging assistance. The opening of the blog post presents a problem, a question, a startling statistic, or some sort of challenging statement. The next few paragraphs explain a solution to the problem or the business owner’s point of view.  Then, when the closing line uses the same words used in the opener, reinforcing information readers feel they already “know”, the “tie-back” is complete.

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