Statistics Help Your Blog Become More Than A Number

Nothing speaks quite as loud as numbers.

Career Rookie Magazine says using numbers may be one of the most underutilized strategies in cover letter writing. As a professional ghost blogger who teaches business owners how to create content for blog posts, I think numbers tend to be underutilized in blogs as well.

Like myth-busting in blog posts, which I talked about in my last post, opening your post with a startling statistic can be a way to grab visitors’ attention. Statistics can actually serve as myth-busters in themselves.  If there’s some false impression people seem to have relating to your industry, or to a product or service you provide, you can bring in statistics to show how things really are. Statistics can also serve to demonstrate the extent of a problem.  Once readers realize the problem, the door is open for you to show how you help solve that very type of problem for your customers!

Here are a few examples:

  • CNNMoney offered fascinating tidbits about the 2009 MTV music awards.  If you’re an event planner in Omaha, sharing the fact that MTV crew members needed to arrange for 600 tables, 2,000 chairs, 550 walkie-talkies, and 32 copiers brings out the importance of having a professional (like you) handle event details.

  • “An average woman, over sixty years, can absorb into her bloodstream thirty pounds of ingredients in moisturizers.  She can also consume four tubes of lipstick in a lifetime.” (You’re blogging about the importance of using only all-natural skin care products).

  • “A recent study found that raisins and grapes can lead to kidney failure in pets” (for veterinarian or pet supply store blog).

  • “Around 200 B.C., the Chinese were able to make recycled paper by processing old fishing nets (for recycling company blog).

Statistics add power and focus to your blog posts, giving you the chance to showcase your knowledge and expertise. Skillful use of startling statistics can keep your blog from being just a number!



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