Simplifying the Complex in Business Blog Posts

“It’s tempting to want to explain everything. It’s also hard to know what to throw out,” observes Dane of digital Dane is talking about video, but the same simplify-the-complex is certainly a guideline for all of us business blog content writers. Of course, with blog posts far less expensive to produce than videos, it’s somewhat simpler to focus on just one aspect of a topic and then come back and fill in other information in later posts.

Some products and services are, without question, more challenging to explain. “If, after your thirty-second elevator pitch, the person you’re speaking with still has ten more clarifying questions, says Jeune Ortiz of, you probably have a complex product or service.

Ortiz has some good suggestions for blog content writers when it comes to presenting the complex in a way that converts lookers into buyers.

Use What They Know.
Compare the old solution to your new solution to show improvements. Using your blog to offer answers to you’ve heard from customers in the past can help business blog readers relate to the new information.

Let Customers Explain It.
“Stories that illustrate how your product or solution was used successfully can do a lot to help a newcomer understand how it might also improve their life,” says Ortiz. “Customers don’t want to feel like they are being told a brand story.  They want to tell themselves the story”, say the authors of “Tips and Traps for Marketing Your Business”.
Don’t Scare Your Visitors.                                                                                                                                                                   Technical words can overwhelm your visitors. If you have policies, disclaimers, or warranties, add that to the footer, never in the main content. I train newbie blog content writers that going light on jargon and technical terms without “dumbing down” the material shows respect for the readers’ intellect – and for their time.

Tell Them How to Get Started.
The product is complicated enough – don’t make getting started a mystery, advises Ortiz.  Simplify the navigation and have clear Calls to Action.

As we bloggers have learned, simplifying the complex pays dividends for business owners and professionals every time!

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