In Corporate Blog Content Writing, When You’re Finished, It’s Business
Writer’s Digest’s N.M. Kelby offers advice for novelists that Indianapolis blog content writers can certainly use. “When you write a book, it’s art,” says Kelby. “When you’re finished, it’s business. Never confuse the two,” he adds.
In training newbie bloggers, I like to say that business blogging uses both science and art. Proper use of keyword phrases to enhance Search Engine Optimization is the "science" part the equation; writing interesting and relevant content for the blog post themselves is where the "art" comes in. In fact, the reason ghost blog writing is so fascinating a profession for me is that very combination of art and science.
After having offered business blogging assistance to hundreds of different businesses and practices, I’ve found that, in the most effective blog posts, the science and art are intertwined. In great posts, keyword phrases have been incorporated in the text in an unobtrusive and natural way, readers’ attention is focused only on the message.
When it comes to the business of blogging, Watch This. Listen Up. Click Here
authors David Verklin and Bernice Kanner explain how the business side of blogging works:
Advertisers choose and bid for keyword terms that bring up their ads
next to search results, paying Google only when a web surfer clicks
on their ad. Since both the advertisers and Google are making money,
the system continues. The true drivers of its (Google’s) ad bounty are
AdWords and AdSense,” the authors explain.
Meanwhile, we business bloggers provide the smorgasbord of content that keeps those visitors coming, all the while driving traffic to our respective business web sites.
“Business is about sales, sales, and sales, and it makes you jumpy. You’ll never tame your beast,” Kelby cautions, “if you write wondering how many books you can sell.” In a way, that warning applies to us blog content writers as well. To engage readers, we need to focus on conveying the passion we have for our business or profession (or, in the case of professional ghost bloggers, focus on conveying what energizes our clients). Once that’s accomplished, though, we need to stay keenly aware that the bottom line of business blogging is reached when the cash register rings with an online buyer at the other end of the transaction!
Being effective online using SEO marketing blogs can be tricky, because doing business means a whole lot more than just getting found. When you write a book, it’s art, Kelby says. When you write a blog, it’s art and science. In the case of either novels or business blog writing, when you’re finished, it had better be business!

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