Business Blogging With Round-Up Posts – Part 1 of 2
Authorunlimited editor Cathy Presland calls them Best-of-the-Web Round-Ups, referring to blog posts consisting of “lists of the best websites, You Tube clips, or any other kind of web content that relates to your topic”, and round-up posts are great way, she advises, for business blog content writers to demonstrate the breadth of your own knowledge and your perspective on a topic.
Round-ups needn’t be confined to websites, Presland adds. They might consist of:
- Favorite Facebook pages to follow
- Best software or apps
- Best blogs you’ve read in the past month
- Favorite personalities in your area of expertise
- Top tips from around the Internet (this very Say It For You post is an example of that.)
This week, I’m doing a round-up of noteworthy observations about blogging:
“Video continues to be a growth market, as well. But, let’s not forget about the words. Not just our tweets and status updates, but our thoughts… the longer pieces of content.”
– Mitch Joel in “The End of Blogging”
“Not promoting your blog is like renting a theater to stage your one-man show and then refusing to put up flyers because you don’t want anyone to show up.”
– Michelle Weber in “Should Your Blog Be on Facebook?”
“Do you like me? I mean, you know, in a platonic, Facebook sort of way. Well, you should. Moreover, if you’re a blogger, you should have a Facebook page — it’s a great way to get your content out to a larger audience and engage with new people.”
– Jeff Goins in “Why You Need a Facebook Page”
“Highly effective bloggers have an established writing and publishing schedule that they adhere to with fervor. They don’t write and post when they feel like it. They write and publish according to a schedule that helps them to both remain on track and accountable and build anticipation among their audience.”
– Dwaynia Wilkerson in “7 Habits of Highly Effective Bloggers”
Blog writers are very much like museum curators, I often explain. We “gather” pieces of art and then help the visitors understand what they are seeing. On behalf of our business owner of professional practitioner clients, we add “spin” to the curated material, showcasing the wisdom and expertise of our clients’ business or practice!

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