Business Blogging Leaplings

It’s always great to add that little extra “something” in order to stand out from the crowd, and SEO marketing blogs are no exception. And, with this being a leap year, it’s a particularly appropriate time to discuss how including extra tidbits of information can add value in corporate blog writing.leap year

In blogging for business, is it worth the effort of digging up curious and little-known facts related to your business or Industry?  Make that a big “Oh, yes”!  Readers’ interest is piqued, you’re positioned as an expert in your field, and you’re rewarded with precious extra moments of precious attention.

Mental Floss magazine writers, masters at serving up tidbits and busting myths (both highly effective tools for freelance blog writers), talk about leaplings, kids born on February 29th.

  • Kids can have their pick between February 28th and March 1 for parties and presents.
  • For Social Security, the birthday is treated as Feb. 28th.
  • Some states make leaplings wait until March 1 to apply for a driver’s license.

As part of corporate blogging training for business owners, I recommend presenting little-known statistics about the history of your industry, the number of people experiencing the problems you help solve, or unexpected applications for your product and service.  You want to evoke an “I didn’t know that!” response in your readers.

“Leaplings”, or unusual bits of information can be myth busters in themselves.  If there are false impressions people seem to have about your industry or product, statistics show how things really are.  If you want to demonstrate how widespread a problem is, statistics can be of great business blogging help.

For anyone offering business blogging services, blog content “leaplings” can help add that little extra “something” that means a lot!

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