A Little Means a Lot in Branding Your Business Blog

He’s impeccably dressed in a custom-tailored suit, but…oops! Is that a food spot on his tie?

She’s as well put together as any fashion magazine model, but…wait! Is her skirt hem unraveling?


Grammar mistakes in content writing for business are very much like these two examples of wardrobe mishaps, calling attention away from the kind of impression we intended to make. Fellow business blogger Tracy Sestili makes no bones about it. “Grammar mistakes can make you lose readers,” she states.

True, as I sometimes admit to other freelance blog content writers in Indianapolis, some mistakes are simply typos, and 99 out of 100 readers might not even notice them. QXG, whose website proclaims it is “Columbus, Ohio’s Best Design Firm,” vows to “try out best” to beat others’ quotes (a statement, by the way, that earned QXG a spot on the “Website Hall of Shame”).

Even closer to home, the corporate blogging trainer in me couldn’t help noticing, in Bing’s description of the Indianapolis firm Small Box Web Design, that “Small Box is renown for creating search engine friendly websites”.  Didn’t Bing mean “renowned”?

Little things, every one of these…the food spot on the tie, the raveling hem, trying “out” best, and being “renown”.  But, I remind content writers in Indianapolis, a simple “mirror check” might have fixed all those bloopers before the website or blog content “left the house”.

Think of it this way – in any SEO marketing blog, at least part of the purpose is to draw readers’ attention to the content.  What business owners and professional practitioners don’t want to do is draw attention in any negative way.

“It’s time to pay attention to our own web pages,” cautions Robin Nobles in searchengineworkshop.com, “and relearn some of the basic grammar rules that we may have forgotten along the way.”

For those of us in the business of providing business blogging assistance, that’s elementary.  A little means a lot in branding a business blog!

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