Serving Up Different Varieties of Posts in Your Business Blog
I don’t know about keeping up with the Heinz 57 standard, but business blog posts do come in different varieties. It’s generally a good idea to toggle back and forth among those varieties over time, just to keep repeat visitors engaged (and yourself from getting bored).
Rich Brooks of certainly concurs. In fact, Brooks suggests blog content writers add some of the following “arrows” to their blogging “quiver”:
- How-to’s and tutorials
- Resources and link lists
- Cheat sheets
- To-do’s
- Reviews
- Controversial posts
- Interviews
- Series
- Case studies
- Stats
- Daily roundups
- Breaking news
- Personal stories
Rather than asking yourself, each time you’re ready to blog, “Now, which variety should I use today?”, I teach newbie content providers, the blog posts for any company, professional practice, or organization can be planned around key themes. Those themes are fixed ideas that form the basis for blog posts. Then, what you’re doing in any one post is filling in new details, examples, and illustrations. Having this “quiver” of formats from which to select a style that fits then becomes quite a help for any business blogger.
The other thing about having a variety is that (as I know from having been a teacher for many years), readers have different learning styles and different preferences. That’s why it’s such a good idea for marketing blogs to use a variety of styles and materials.
Have YOU other “arrows” to contribute to our collective blog writers’ quiver?
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