
Booth Camp for Business Bloggers


2d73dcb[1]As a business owner or professional practitioner, you’re always looking for ways to introduce what you have to offer to new customers of the right kind (the kind that have a need for and who will appreciate your services and products).  That’s exactly what having a blog for your company or practice is designed to do.

Through the search engine optimization process, potential customers searching online for your type of product or service get to your blog. Then, when they read the very relevant information you’ve provided there, these buyers may decide to do business with you.  Your blog is one important way of inviting customers in to take a look.

I was thinking of that the other day while attending a presentation about trade show marketing, offered by veteran trade show consultant Jane Thompson. While trade shows can be a tremendous source of leads, contacts, industry information, and networking, worth many times more than the money spent, Jane explained, she sees many companies wasting time and money because they haven’t mastered the intricacies of this form of marketing.

Thompson offers “Booth camps” to teach tips and techniques for getting better and more qualified leads out of a trade show. As I listened to her, I realized how many of those tips and techniques could help blog marketers achieve better results:.

“Where are you going and why are you there?” Thompson has business owners ask themselves.  As a consultant, she helps business owners set goals and do effective preshow promotions.
Choosing the right “show” is crucial in planning a business blog marketing strategy as well. Your blog is just one piece of the general strategizing you do with your ‘team” – your web designer, marketing consultant, managers, and employees. Are you promoting the blog on the “right” social media platforms (the ones where your target customers “hang out”)? Are you selecting the right key words and phrases and establishing a clear navigation path from the blog to the right landing page on your website? Just why have you decided to have a blog in the first place?

Has your team conducted a “booth camp” for your business blog?



