
Test Their Content Reading Smarts



“Test Your Hearing Smarts” is the title of a page in the Winter Wellness issue of Prevention Magazine. What helps with tinnitus (ringing in the ears)? Is it earplugs, mindfulness, or surgery – or does nothing help (you’re stuck with the problem)? The answer: There’s no known cure, but mindfulness training (using a white noise machine) can actually help in many cases. Which of these foods are good for your hearing? Coconuts, walnuts, and wild rice all contain nutrients that support good hearing.

At Say It For You, we’ve found, quizzes like this are a very good a content marketing tactic. Online readers tend to be curious creatures and “self-tests” tend to engage and help them relate in a more personal way to the information being presented. What’s more, since one of the biggest challenges in writing to promote a business or practice over long periods of time is keeping the content fresh, quizzes help “vary the menu”.

Other positive aspects of quizzes and tests include:

  • “Self-tests” tend to engage readers and help them relate in a more personal way to the information presented.
  • Quiz questions and answers can offer a different perspective on fact sets readers have forgotten.
  • When readers strain to remember something and then find the answer, they tend to repeat that fact set in their conversations with others (perhaps driving those others to check out the website).
  • Our curiosity is most intense when we’re testing our own knowledge, making tests, games, and quizzes hard to resist.

Research done about ads is relevant to quizzes and tests, I believe. A study done at the University of Bath in conjunction with the Nielson company came up with two ways to score ads.

  1. Information Power Score – measures what the consumer perceives as the value of the message
  2. Emotive Power Score – measures if the emotion is going to change feelings about the brand

In a sense, quizzes like the Test Your Hearing Smarts are powerful on both counts – important, actionable information is being conveyed to readers, and that information is very personal in nature.

“All bloggers would like to get more interaction and participation from their readers and visitors,” says  Tests and surveys engage readers,  we’ve found at Say It For You, making them feel they are part of a conversation with my business and practice owner clients.



The Accordion Method in Content Marketing

Whether you’re preparing for an interview or for generating content, the Accordion Method involves having ready a short, a medium, and a long answer for every question you’re likely to be asked, Paula Rizzo advises in Writer’s Digest:

  • The short answer is the sound bite that grabs attention.
  • The medium answer adds more content around the topic.
  • The long answer adds much more detail and opinion.

As a senior health producer at Fox News Channel, Rizzo recalls, she was booking guest experts all the time. Sometimes an expert would ramble when the host wanted a short answer, and sometimes people didn’t give enough information. You need to be able to deliver content in a way that fits the situation, Rizzo cautions.

Here is how, in creating online marketing content, writers can follow Rizzo’s five steps for success:
1. What is the question? First, brainstorm the basic question (or questions) you’ll likely be asked during the interview. You need to get to know the show and its audience, Rizzo advises.

Who are your target customers or clients? What approach would have the most appeal to that segment of your market?  Will the emphasis be on your products? Your special services? Your expertise?  Pick one primary area of focus in preparing your “short answer”.

2. Watch previous episodes. Learning what questions were posed by hosts to other interviewees is crucial, Rizzo says.

At Say It For You, we encourage freelance content writers and business owners alike to curate, meaning to gather OPW (Other People’s Wisdom) and share that with their readers, commenting on that material and relating it to their own topic.

3. What is the short answer? Think in headlines. For the host who wants a short, targeted answer, interviewees must be prepared to offer just that, Rizzo explains.

A business blog post should impart one new idea or call for a single action. Focused on one thing, your post has greater impact, since people are bombarded with many messages each day. 

4. What is the medium answer? Even when a medium answer is called for it’s important to “start with a bang” and then add some context and evidence.

When expanding to a medium from a short answer, think about whether the information is not only useful, but will be received as unique (rather than the same information found in other places..

5. What is the long answer? Give compelling evidence for your attention-grabbing short answer.

To sustain our content writing over long periods of time without losing reader excitement and engagement, we need to constantly add to our own body of knowledge – about our industry or professional field, and about what’s going on around us in our culture.

For online marketers, the Accordion Method helps writers research and “store” content for different segments of a target audience.


People Pleasing Not Always a Good Thing for Content writers

People pleasing involves not only putting other people’s needs first, but also toning down a strong message for something more palatable, coach Eric Kaufman explains in Real Leaders magazine. That’s not a good thing, he explains, because toning down one’s message limits our own decision-making and squanders our power.


While, as content marketers, our goal is to engage readers, that does not mean “pleasing” them by reiterating common assumptions and opinions, we’ve learned at Say It For You. In fact,  whether you’re writing content for a business, a professional practice, or a nonprofit organization, it’s essential to present an opinion, a slant, on the information you’re serving up for readers.

The style needn’t be harsh – after all, you’re out to nurture the relationships you’ve established and welcome new clients and customers to the business or practice, not “turn them off”.

Still, what I’ve learned over the years of creating blog content for dozens and dozens of clients in different industries and professions is that, in order to turn clients and customers “on”, we must incorporate one important ingredient – opinion. As influencers, we need a strong message to demonstrate, rather than squander, our clients’ power to be influencers.

When online readers find their way to blog content, one question they need answered is “Who lives here?” “What guidance is being offered as I face purchasing decisions?” Providing information about products and services, even aggregating information from other sources, can be useful – even “pleasing”   to readers, but in terms of achieving Influencer status – it takes opinion.

“Although being kind and helpful is generally a good thing, going too far to please others can leave you emotionally depleted, stressed, and anxious,” Kendra Cherry of VeryWellMind emphasizes.


In content marketing, while it’s important to tell readers what our clients can do for them, it’s even more important to show readers who those owners are!


Content Writers Help Readers Find the Quiddity

In content marketing, you might say, it’s all about the quiddity, the essence of what you do, what you know how to do, and who you are that makes you different from any other. And, while Merriam Webster offers synonyms such as “center”, “core” and “heart”, explains that politicians and lawyers sometimes use quiddity as an evasion technique, bringing up irrelevant and distracting points to avoid direct answers. 

“Capturing your brand essence succinctly involves distilling its core values, unique selling propositions, and emotional connections into a brief, impactful statement,” Alex Bundalla advises on LinkedIn. One way of expressing quiddity is Simon Sinek’s Golden Circle, Bundalla explains.  Three concentric circles represent the “why” (values and principles), the “how” (methods), and the “what” (products and services) of your brand. Another visual expressing quiddity is the Brand Pyramid, showing levels of customer relationship with a brand, from experiential to symbolic and intangible.

At Say It For You, we often refer to blog posts as the sound bites of the Internet, in which we help business and practice owners convey t readers the essence, the “quiddity”, of their accomplishments and intentions. Hardly a simply task. You know your product, service, or company is amazing, but they don’t know how it works or why it’s so great, Brant Pinvidic writes in The 3-minute Rule. “You need to give them more knowledge in less time,” the author explains.

But what about those “politicians and lawyers” who use quiddity as an evasion technique? It just doesn’t work for very long, is the answer. Putting a unique “twist” on a topic, in contrast, works extraordinarily well, I believe. Taking some good old ideas and using an individual approach to those ideas is no evasion, but a way to a. mark your content as uniquely yours. 

“The one that stands out is in essence the one that is not like the rest,” agrees. “When people cannot distinguish brands from each other, they cannot form reliable relationships with those brands.” Not only does an effective brand have a well-outlined target audience, it may even offer a service or product exclusively to that target audience.

The essence of content marketing is finding – and communicating – the quiddity!


Unlocking Success: Search Engine Optimized Content and its Impact on Your Business


Today’s guest post was contributed by Claire Wentz, of Caring From Afar…

As we navigate the digital age, small businesses must seize the opportunities that technology presents to remain competitive and prosper. The internet, a dynamic and ever-changing platform, provides countless avenues for small businesses to broaden their customer base, increase operational efficiency, and enhance customer satisfaction.

Integrate Seamless Online Payment Processing

In the realm of digital commerce, the ability to process payments online is a crucial aspect that small businesses cannot afford to overlook. By integrating an efficient online payment system, businesses provide customers with a secure and comfortable platform to transact. This not only improves the overall customer experience but also simplifies the payment process, thereby relieving business owners of administrative burdens and freeing up valuable time to concentrate on other vital aspects of their operation.

Harness the Power of SEO Content

In today’s digitally-focused landscape, the significance of search engine optimization (SEO) cannot be overstated. By having expert craft content that is optimized for search engines, your website’s visibility can be greatly amplified, leading to a substantial uptick in organic traffic. You can also learn many key principles via online guides and tutorials and implement strategic practices yourself. This surge in visibility has a domino effect, potentially resulting in increased sales and a thriving business. 

Keep Content in a Managed Hub

With website updates and social media marketing campaigns, staying on top of your content can quickly become a challenge. There are content management systems (CMS) you can put to work for you in organizing your material. Such a system is key in simplifying a business’ digital presence, as you can edit, schedule, and publish from one tool, rather than constantly juggling individual pieces of content. Look for an option that integrates seamlessly with your other web-focused tools. 

Prioritize Mobile-Friendly Design

Considering the prevalent use of mobile devices to access the web today, it’s essential for small businesses to prioritize a mobile-friendly website. A website with a responsive design that seamlessly adjusts to different screen sizes greatly improves the user experience, which in turn can cultivate customer loyalty and potentially boost conversion rates. Furthermore, Google also factors in mobile-friendliness when ranking websites, meaning having a mobile-optimized site can significantly improve your search engine visibility, attracting more potential customers to your business. 

Ensure Website Accessibility for All

It’s of utmost importance for small businesses to guarantee their websites are universally accessible, including catering to individuals with disabilities who may utilize assistive technologies for web navigation. An accessible website does more than just expand your potential customer pool; it aligns with legal requirements and demonstrates a dedication to inclusivity. It can enhance your brand’s reputation and credibility as a business that values all its customers, thereby fostering a more robust relationship with your audience. 

Put Optimization to Work

Embracing web-based updates can transform the trajectory of small businesses. From facilitating online payment processing and crafting search engine optimized content to ensuring mobile compatibility and website accessibility, these updates can significantly elevate your online presence. Implementing effective email marketing campaigns and leveraging social media platforms can further enhance customer engagement and drive sales. Additionally, utilizing data analytics tools can provide valuable insights into customer behavior, helping to refine strategies and improve overall business performance.

Search engine optimized content is a must-have for success in today’s business world. Putting funds, time and energy into making your content more search-friendly offers a potential return on investment that makes it worthwhile. Stay abreast of technological advancements, remain relevant, and witness your small business flourish in the digital landscape.


