
Some Tasty Content Prompts


Stuck finding new ways to present marketing content? No matter your content marketing topic, Poets and Writers magazine’s Aimee Nezhukumatathil suggests thinking in terms of food. At Say it For You, we think that’s a great idea – no matter what product or service you’re promoting, here’s our take on a few of these tasty content prompts:

Write about a mistake you made once while preparing food.
We teach content writers to include stories of past mistakes and failures. Such stories have a humanizing effect, engaging readers and creating feelings of empathy and admiration for the business owners or professional practitioners who overcame not only adversity, but the effects of their own mistakes! Messages that deal openly with customer complaints, with the “apology” or the “remediation measure” open to readers go a long way in building trust.

What foods would you serve someone you wanted to impress?
The most powerful tool you can use to stand head and shoulders above your competition is your Unique Selling Proposition (USP), Certified Business Coach Andrew Valley says. Your USP communicates the singular, unique benefit that your customers can expect to receive when they favor your business instead of your competitor’s – stated in specific, graphically illustrated terms

What spices do you like to add to food and why?
At Say It For You, our content writers are always seeking to vary the ways we present information on a single topic in many different ways. Not only are we on the lookout for different “templates” in terms of platform graphics, but we try to use different formats to “spice up” the information about any business or professional practice. Collating advice from different experts helps “spice up” content and add value for readers.

What is your earliest memory of peeling a fruit – what did the peel remind you of?
In a blog post or email newsletter, introduce readers to the history of the brand, using stories about founders, current employees and alumni to “humanize” the content. Sharing history makes the focus less on what the company does and more about what it is, giving readers a sense of look-how-far-we’ve-come” togetherness.

“Tasty” prompts can help temporarily “sidelined” content writers get back in the game!


There Are More Than One Boy-Meets-Girl Blogging Arcs

“At its very heart, I believe that there is only one story arc in the world,” writes Sonali Dev. “There’s a character in an uncomfortable situation and they must find a way to resolve it.” The narrative arc refers to the structure and shape of a story, the sequence of occurrences in the plot. A good arc is vital if you want to engage your readers from start to finish, advises Boy meets girl, boy fails girl, boy gets girl again is one classic example, the author says. Adding complexity to a basic story arc is part of what differentiates one story from another, even when they’re ostensibly dealing with the same ideas.

In fact, in creating blog content at Say It For You, we often use a softer version of the “hurt and rescue” story arc author D. Forbes Ley suggests salespeople use to close deals – identifying ways in something valued by readers might be in jeopardy, and then emphasizing two points::

  1. The business owner or professional practitioner understands readers’ concerns and needs.
  2. The business owners or practitioner has the experience, information, products and services to solve exactly those problems and meet precisely those needs.

Using those two points as basic content building blocks, there are a number of ways bloggers can follow Sonali Dev’s advice and “add complexity” to the story arc:

  • debunk a “myth” or false impression relating to your field
  • tie the content to a front-page news story having to do with a problem your company or practice helps solve
  • share a true story
  • use statistics to prove the extent of the problem
  • relate a celebrity story that illustrates the problem – or the solution you propose

Whichever of these “arc” tactics you select for any one blog post, a tip offered by Writer’s Digest contributor Estelle Erasmas should be kept in mind: “Focus on one specific point in time rather than on an entire life story.” Yes, your readers may in fact be seeking a way out of an uncomfortable situation, but might also be in search of information on how to perform a certain task, or looking to satisfy their curiosity on a particular subject.

There are more than one boy-meets-girl blogging arcs!



Variety is the Spice of Blogging


“Variety is the spice of life, and of reading,” Diana Pho writes in Writer’s Yearbook 2023. “Watch how you balance dialogue, narration, and exposition on the page….Break up your sentence structure to keep your reader’s attention,” the fiction editor advises. “Break up your sentence structure to keep your readers’ attention.” While you’re at it, a second Writers Digest advisor, Steve Almond, suggests, “Why don’t you consider a new POV (point of view)?”

In business blogging, it’s generally a good rule to keep sentences short. Short sentences have power, we teach at Say It For You, and, particularly in titles, can more easily be shared on social media sites. However, not every sentence should be kept, and long sentences can be woven in with shorter ones. Then, once in a while, it’s a good idea to add an extremely short statement to add “punch” to the post. What’s the definition of a long sentence? According to, any sentence of more than 100 words is “almost guaranteed to be complex, complicated, and enormous”.

“The purpose of paragraphs is to break up an article into its logical divisions so that readers can easily grasp the thought,” explains Each paragraph contains a single phase of the subject. Paragraphs in journalistic writing are usually shorter than in other kinds of writing. While varying the paragraph size in each post is a good idea, long paragraphs can be perceived as off-putting “wall of text”. “Start with a sentence that makes the reader ask a question, Wayne Schmidt suggests. (People hate unanswered questions.) It doesn’t have to be a literal question, just something that piques the reader’s curiosity.”

In blog marketing, variety is important not only in terms of sentence and paragraph length, but also in terms of the layout of the post itself. Different Layouts, writing coach Tony Rossiter explains, fulfill different purposes, including saving space, attraction attention, and raising questions. When it comes to business blogging, the placement of Calls to Action needs to be varied. Variations in the way the content itself is presented include beginning with the conclusion, then using the remainder of the blog post to prove the validity of that assertion. Bolding and bullet points add variety to the visual; impression.

Variety is the spice of blogging!


Blog Topics Have Ninety-Nine Lives


“How often do we celebrate the life of a cat?” asks Kostya Kennedy in the special LIFE issue of Cats – Companions in Life. Drawn by the pictures of adorable kittens to purchase the magazine, I found quite a number of valuable blog content writing pointers. The entire issue, with all the articles focused on cats, is proof of the fact that the same general topic can be approached in a myriad of ways. In fact, in order to add variety to a blog, I teach content writers to experiment with different formats, presenting the same business or practice from different vantage points, purposely tailoring the content to different segments of the customer base. We need to remember that, even within smaller segments of a target market, individual readers’ need for information, products or services was born in a slightly different space and has traveled a different path.
The History of the House Cat
Once upon a time, we learn, the ancestor of today’s domestic feline was a wild creature prowling the deserts of the ancient Middle East. As hunter-gatherers turned into farmers, the found cats useful in getting rid of mice. The calmness of cats made them good house pets. In a blog, introducing the readers to the history of the brand, using stories about founders, current employees and alumni to “humanize” the content. Sharing history makes the focus less on what the company does and more about what it is. What’s more, sharing memories of the “good old times” that weren’t really so good in terms of efficiency and convenience, you have the ability to share with blog readers a sense of look-how-far-we’ve-come togetherness.

Secrets of Cat Behavior
What is a cat trying to say when it purrs? Why do cats like catnip? The blog content should share with readers the owners’ unique point of view within their own profession or industry and within the community. Myth-debunks are a great use of blogs, I’ve found, because many of the misunderstandings about a product or service present themselves in the natural order of business, in the form of questions and comments from readers and customers. The very word “secrets” is a draw in a blog post title, and shining the light of day on that misinformation shines light on your own expertise.

Shelter-Cat Success Stories
LIFE highlights stories of seven cats who, despite illness and injury, somehow beat the odds. Thanks to a network of compassionate humans… In your blog, customer success stories and client testimonials boost your credibility with new prospects, helping them decide to do business with you. Perhaps even more important, website testimonials foster commitment from those providing the testimonials and sharing success stories around using your products and services.

Just as the LIFE issue on cats takes a single topic, dealing with it many different ways, in blog content writing, today’s post can slant in one direction; tomorrow’s can take the same theme and highlight different aspect, perhaps appealing to different segments of the business’ (or the practice’s) audience. Blog topics can have, not just nine lives, but as many as ninety-nine!


Take Care of Your Shoes


As many as four buyers will intentionally take note of the condition of your shoes during a sales call, Sam Deep and Lyle Sussman of the Sandler Sales Institute caution. If prospects see worn or broken shoelaces, or worn heels and soles, they’ll lose confidence that you’ll pay proper attention to the details of their order. For blog content writers, there’s a lesson here…..

Realistically, online searchers who land on your blog are already interested in and have a need for the type of products or services you offer. The opening lines of your blog content then can offer “signs” to those readers that they’ve come to the right place:

  • You and your employees have the training and expertise to be able to deliver the desired advice, service, and products.
  • You’ve kept up with what others are saying on your topic, what’s in the news, and what problems and questions have been surfacing in your industry.
  • As a business owner or practitioner, you’ve stood by your work.
  • Your blog has used images, photos, graphs, charts, or even videos to add interest and evoke emotion.
  • The layout is targeted towards your target audience (Are they deal seekers looking for bargains on products and services they already use? Are they enthusiasts looking for information to support their hobbies and beliefs?).

But what about your blog’s “shoes”??

As a corporate blogging trainer, my favorite recommendation to both business owners and the freelance blog content writers they hire to bring their message to customers is this: Prevent blog content writing “wardrobe malfunctions”, including grammar errors, run-on sentences, and spelling errors. As Writer’s Digest Yearbook points out, unconventional or incorrect grammar may be seen as an indication of carelessness or ignorance. The result? Readers may take the content itself less seriously. At its worst, failure to use proper punctuation and sentence structure in blog posts can make content difficult to comprehend.

“It’s one thing to lose a sale because you can’t solve the buyer’s problem,” Deep and Sussman stress. “It’s quite another to fail because you didn’t fit the image of a professional salesperson.”

The message for content marketing professionals? Take care of your “shoes”, meaning the details of your blog posts!

