
Blog It Again, Sam – But Different


Out of new ideas? Rewrite the same piece using another POV (point of view), advises Mariah Richard in Writer’s Digest. Richards suggests a variety of same-but-different approaches, including:

  • If you told the story in first person, try telling it in third person.
  • Start with what was the conclusion in your first piece, follow with the “back story”.
  • Relate the same set of events, but from the perspective of a different character.

“Writing is rewriting”, MasterClass warns, and mastering the art of the rewrite is essential for novice writers and professionals alike. “If you put real work into your rewrite, a good piece of writing can become great.”

Both these concepts – generating new content by reworking old content and updating already published content – apply to content marketing, we know at Say It For You.

Using existing content as inspiration for content now
When our Indiana freelance blog content writers are sitting down with business owners or professional practitioners who are preparing to launch a blog, one important step in that launch is to select recurring themes that will appear and reappear over time in their blog posts. But, to add variety and maintain interest (on the part of both writers and readers!), the “templates” can be varied, including list posts,, review posts, OpEd opinion pieces, and interview posts. In addition to varying the format or template, I teach, you can offer different kinds of information in different blog posts.

Updating old blog posts
“Refreshing and rewriting blog posts can be pivotal to the success of your blog,” explains. “Aim for an update at least every 15 months.” The changes can reflect progress and changes in the industry as well as changes in the products and services offered by the business or practice owner.

Out of “new” blog post ideas? Re-new the “core” concepts using a different point of view. Blog it again, Sam, but different!


National Blog Marketing Appreciation Day?

“Jumping in on the ‘National Days’ hype can be a great way for your business to spread awareness about a cause, as well as being a great tool for marketing and really boosting those engagement rates.” Polly Oakes advises in Remarkable Commerce.

So right. At Say It For You, we teach, tying blog content to current community happenings and currents events is a winning strategy. Leveraging your community is really nothing more than “meeting” strangers and helping to turn those strangers into friends.  Using National Days simply expands the “reach”.

So how have all these national days come to be? Individuals who wish to promote a cause, go through their legislators, who in turn request of the President of the United States to issue a proclamation, which then must be approved by congressional vote.

This very month of August, 2023, for example, started out marking World Lung Cancer Day, International Mahjong Day, Respect for Parents Day, and National Raspberry Cream Pie Day, all on August 1st! Today, August 10, is a content marketing bonanza:

  • National S’mores Day Use to market cooking classes, groceries, for cooking classes, camping outfitters?

  • National Skyscraper Appreciation Day (marks the anniversary of the birth of William Van Alen, designer of the Chrysler Building) Use for architectural and design firms, travel agencies, art deco interior design, jewelry?

  • National Spoil Your Dog Day Use in marketing dog food, pet care, trainers, obedience school?

  • World Lion Day (founded ten years ago by Dereck and Beverly Doubert in partnership with National Geographic to raise awareness about lions being an endangered species due to hunting and poaching). Use in marketing content for the zoo? For veterinary practices? Pet shops?

In addition to using national days, when we enter conversations that are trending at the time, tying the blog content to current events, and to conversations that are trending at the time, that serves the dual purpose of “playing off” already existing popular interest while possibly earning search engine “Brownie points” as well. Did we attend a performance or rally? How does what we heard and saw tie in with our own work in the community?

Mahjong with s’mores, anyone?



Blog Content By and For the Unquenchably Curious


This week’s Say It For You blog posts are based on the book What Makes Flamingos Pink, by Bill McLain, “a colorful collection of Q & A’s for the unquenchably curious”…

One thing it’s always a good idea to include, I tell content marketers, is interesting information on topics related to their business or professional practice. If you can provide information most readers wouldn’t be likely to know, we explain at Say It For You, all the better. So long as there’s a real “back story” demonstrating valuable lessons learned and why that information should matter to the web visitor, tidbits can prove to be enormously useful tools….

The color of most birds is a matter of genetics, McClain explains in the book. Bluebirds are blue by nature, cardinals red for the same reason – their inherited genes. Famingos are different – they are pink because their diet is heavy in natural pigments called carotenoids. Wisely, the author is quick to show readers the relevance of that information – “When we eat carrots or beets, we are also eating carotenoids,” he explains. ” But no matter how many beets and carrots we eat, the only way we can turn pink is to blush or get a sunburn,” he adds.

One big goal of the writing we do for our business owner and professional practitioner clients is positioning them as experts in the eyes of both their existing clients and their web visitors. While good blog post content can and should be entertaining, it’s important to remember that most online searchers are not pursuing a recreational activity, but instead are on a fact-finding mission. You can hook them, we teach at Say It For You, with humorous and fascinating trivia tidbits, but the material you serve up needs to be meaningful to that audience and – actionable.

The factoid about flamingos’ pink coloring is an example of how trivia can be used in content marketing to accomplish a variety of initiatives: defining basic industry terminology, sparking curiosity about the subject, putting modern-day practices and beliefs into perspective, and explaining why the business owner or practitioner chooses to operate in a certain way.

Always remember, though – they may be “unquenchably curious”, but online visitors are rarely unquenchably patient. Structure the content so as to address the two questions “So what?” (why it might matter) and “Now what?” directing them to the next step.


So What’s My State’s Insect?


Imagine – up until five years ago, Indiana was one of only three states with no state insect! Chronicled by the Indiana Department of Natural Resources, legislation was signed by Gov. Eric Holcomb rectifying the situation, naming the Say’s Firefly our insect of choice after students in several Posey County and West Lafayette schools wrote proposals and collected signatures while learning about the legislative process. As things turned out, not only is the Angled Candle Firefly native to Indiana, it’s named after Hoosier Thomas Say, father of American Zoology.

Ever on the search for fascinating factoids to spice up marketing content, I found mention of Firefly in the book What Makes Flamingos Pink by Bill McClain. (The cover describes the tome as “a colorful collection of Q & A’s for the unquenchably curious”, which is precisely the trait we treasure at Say It For You ).Fascinating tidbits of information lend variety to blog posts, and can be used to spark interest, to help describe the products and services offered by the business or practice, and even to clarify owners’ point of view.

The thing about tidbits, though, is they need to matter to the reader. Plus, I’ve learned over the years, there needs to be a back story. Skimming through the McClain book, my eye was caught by the statement “Every state in the United States has a state insect.” So, what’s my state’s insect? I immediately wanted to know. Still, absent the wonderful back story about students gathering signatures to support their choice of a name to propose to the legislature, I would have lost further interest in the subject of state insects.

I often recommend including interesting information on topics related to your business (or, if you’re a freelance blog content writer, related to your client’s business). If you can provide information most readers wouldn’t be likely to know, we teach at Say It For You, so much the better. But there has to be a “back story” showing a) why the information matters to the owner or to the history of the business and b) showing how the information might matter to the reader..

So what’s MY state insect? And, what was “the deal” with MY state finally getting on board?


“Did-You-Know?” Content Marketing


This week, my Say It For You blog posts were inspired by the 2024 Farmer’s Almanac…

“Growing up a city girl, I thought many people were farmers because they were incapable of doing any other work. Then I moved to the country and made a bumbling discovery: To be a successful farmer, you need to have the smarts – and not just in one area.” A good farmer, the author belatedly realized, is a jack-of-all-trades – a) ace problem-solver b) soil scientist  c) marketer  d) mechanic, someone who knows how to fix a range of low-tech to extremely high-tech equipment such as drones and water sensor devices.

One of the most important “powers” of content marketing, we’ve found at Say It For You, is the ability to turn a false perceptions – of an individual, of a business, or even of an entire industry – on its head. Not only can the myth-busting power of blog content correct misinformation reflected in customer questions and comments highlight a business’ strengths, myth-debunking makes for engaging -reading!
In just the way the information in Farmers’ Almanac about farmers using high-tech drones, did-you-know content “teasers” can spark interest when used in blog post titles. Little known details can be used to describe a unique business policy, to clarify the way in which a product works, or explain why one of the services provided by that business particularly effective in solving a problem.

“Harvesting” tidbits of information will always prove useful to content writers. While “tidbit” posts are just one of the dozens of different “genres” we can use to lend variety to out posts, unusual tidbits of information put writer and reader on the same side of the presentation, with both experiencing wonder about the unusual “byte” being shared.

Online visitors searching for a product or a service, I explain to business owners, typically have no idea what it takes to do what you do and how much effort you put into acquiring the expertise you’re going to use to their benefit. Did-you-know content has the power to close that gap, showing the level of preparation and effort on the part of both owner and employees which will be devoted to delivering the expert advice, service, and products they can expect.

As the Farmer’s Almanac shows, “did-you-know?” content marketing is a great way to “plant” trust in prospects!
