
Survival Tips for Blog Content Writers

“I realize how depressing publishing survival tips can sound,” Bob Eckstein starts out his “Top 10 Survival Tips for Publishing” article in Writer’s Digest. but it’s essential for writers to realize that all writers experience struggles. As a blog content writer, I actually found Eckstein’s survival tips inspiring more than boring, especially the four listed here:

Show Up.
“Show up daily, happy and ready to work.” The same advice, seems to me, applies to business blogging. I’ve learned that trumping elements of success in blog marketing such as technical expertise and writing skill, is what I dub “drill sergeant discipline”, which involves the simple but very difficult exercise of continuing to “show up” online.

Keep Learning.
“Your work can always improve. Spend a few minutes every week familiarizing yourself with the news in your genre.” A true business  blog content writer never stops “learning the trade,” which, at Say It For You, we’ve found means getting ideas from everywhere and everyone, constantly looking to broaden our own experience and so as to share knowledge of our readers. “Content writers must expand their horizons to more challenging material than they typically read, paying special attention to sentence structure, word choice, and flow,” advises.

Don’t read reviews.
“Trust the experts among your inner circle and your inner monologue – there’s far too much negativity from critics.” Search engine optimization is the science part of the art-science mix inherent in blogging for business, and I frequently need to remind my clients (and often myself) that analytics are important, but they aren’t everything. As (the WordPress plugin guide our blog content writers at Say It For You rely on) reassures us ” Above all, your blog post has to be a good piece of writing!

Be Ready to Pivot.
“Your book can be a movie script, Twitter feed, or animated series,” Eckstein tells authors. Of all marketing tactics, I’m convinced, business blogging is the best suited for implementing the lean startup concept of pivoting. In fact, that’s exactly what I love most about blogging as a communications channel. Each post can have a razor-sharp focus on just one story, one idea, one aspect of your business. With proper tracking, you quickly learn what’s working and what’s less effective; “pivoting” in the blog content does not involve any lengthy or costly new research.

Depressing? Far from it – survival on the internet is simply a matter of getting frequent, relevant, and passionate content “out there”!



Opening Up Options in Your Blog


In his business book Good to Great, Jim Collins writes that his favorite opening question when meeting a prospect is “Where are you from?” That opener allows the other person to respond in a myriad of ways, the author explains. The prospect might talk about her hometown or country – “I grew up in Berlin”, or about her employer – “I represent Fidelity Bank and Trust”, or reveal that she’s originally from LA, but has been living in the Midwest for most of her adult life. The concept is, as Daniel Pink mentions in his own book To Sell is Human, when talking to prospects, open things up rather than shutting them down by making people think you’re passing judgment on them.

When it comes to converting readers into customers, our job as blog content writers is to present choice, we stress at Say It For You. Given enough “space” to absorb the relevant and truthful information we present over time, consumers are perfectly able to – and far more likely to – decide to take action. Defining a problem, even when offering statistics about that problem, isn’t enough to galvanize prospects into action. But showing you not only understand the root causes of a problem, but have experience in providing solutions to very that problem can help drive the marketing process forward.

But what I don’t mean in advising you to present a variety of options is the “Swiss army knife” approach – you don’t want your blog to be an all-in-one marketing tool that forces a visitor to spend a long time just figuring out the 57 wonderful services your company has to offer!. What you can do with the blog is offer different kinds of information in different blog posts.  I often remind business bloggers to provide several options to readers, including “read more”, “take a survey”, “comment”, or “subscribe”. On websites with no e-commerce options, of course, “Contact” might be  the ultimate reader “compliance” step.

I think the important take-away from Collins’ “Where-are-you-from?” approach is that people are different. Action-oriented readers will want our best recommendations from among the choices. Idea-oriented persons will want to know about the business owners’ core beliefs underlying the way that business is structured. A process-oriented reader will want to know how the process of purchasing and using the product or service works.

To sell what you do and how you do it is human, but be sure to open up a variety of options in your blog!


The E Test for Blogs


Since the 1980s, Daniel Pink lets us know in his book To Sell is Human: the Surprising Truth About Moving Others, psychologists have used the E test to measure “perspective-taking”. Asked to, with the index finger of their dominant hand, draw the letter E on their own forehead, some will draw the letter “backwards” (so that they themselves can read it), while others will draw the E correctly, with the spokes to the right, (so that others can read it). When confronted with an unusual or complex situation, will that person examine it from only his/her own point of view, or step outside and view the situation from another’s perspective? What’s being tested is the ability to “attune”, bringing one’s own outlook into harmony with other people. When it comes to sales, there’s an important additional element in attunement, the author goes on to explain. Individuals don’t exist as single units; their reactions are connected to groups, situations, and contexts.

When it comes to blog marketing, achieving “attunement’ is all about finding the right timing, along with the right context. Back in 2009, with Say It For You in only its second year, I shared an insight gained from the late advertising marketing guru Eugene Schwartz: As the same promise is made over and over by different providers, the market progresses to a new level of sophistication, and it becomes necessary to market through unique value propositions. And, as prospects achieve the highest levels of sophistication,  Schwarts went on to say, marketers must use prospect-centered tactic (AKA attunement).

Blog marketing itself, of course, is inherently prospect-centered – the only people who are going to notice your blog posts are those who are searching for the kinds of information, products, or services that relate to what you do. Having said that, it’s still crucial to keep your blog posts “attuned” to the frequency and sophistication level of your target audience, not to mention to those of the others in their “context”.

As content writers, we need to ask ourselves – would our blog posts pass the E test?


A Grid for Planning Blog Content


This week’s Say It For You blog posts are based on guidance offered by Jeanette Maw McMurtry in her book Marketing for Dummies…..

As tools for planning how to best market any product or service, marketing maven Jeanne Maw McMurtry recommends using an ESP grid. Since most brands market to more than one segment, she explains, you’ll want to create and deliver content that’s specific and relevant to each type of customer. Segments might include:

  • different generations
  • different emotional needs
  • different professions or industries
  • different geographic areas
  • different levels of authority within a company

For each segment of your market, the author recommends, consider the following factors:

  1. Respect accorded to authorities – (does this audience form its own opinions, or tend to emulate authority figures?)
  2. Values – (what cultural values are most important and how driven is this audience by those values?)
  3. Messaging – (what promises must be made to this audience?)
  4. Creative – (what colors and fonts will work best for this audience? How important is mobile access to the content?)
  5. Trust – (what level of trust does this audience tend to have in content presented to them?)

In working with so many different business owners and professional practitioners over the years, we’ve come to realize that customers want to help “fill in the ESP grid for their providers.” In fact, we tell Say It For You clients, customers want and need to “feel heard”; and it’s often unnecessary to initiate formal market research procedures in order to gather valuable insights into what’s working and what is not.

Of course, the very fact that searchers found their way to your page indicates their interest in the subject of your blog, but now the content writing challenge is to create those “targeted and personalized experiences.” In fact, the process of creating ESPs is ongoing, with the blog content creation constantly adapting to new customer and reader feedback.


Creating Hormonal Blog Content


Hormones affect choice, Jeanette Maw McMurtry explains in Marketing for Dummies. Neurotransmitters affect the actions we take related to finding joy and avoiding fear and pain.

  • Dopamine makes us feel infallible and euphoric.
  • Oxytocin gives us a feeling of connection and validation.
  • Cortisol makes us feel threatened and fearful.
  • Serotonin makes us feel calm and upbeat.

Marketers of products and services, McMurtry stresses, must learn to develop ESPs (emotional selling propositions), rather than the much-touted USPs. How will what you’re offering help buyers feel glamorous, confident, secure, superior, or righteous?

Research by psychologist Daniel Kannemann found that when people are faced with risking something in order to gain a reward, they will most often choose to avoid the risk. As a blog marketer ,then, consider how your product or service helps users avoid loss/ embarrassment/ risk.  Identify the fear that drives your customer, McMurty says, then diminish it, presenting a visible solution to the problem.

Know your target audience, the author urges. Think about which aspect of their personality best predicts their behavior and which form of “hormone” or psychological fulfillment your brand helps support. Should you be focusing on:

  • “scarcity” (only a limited supply of a product is available, the introductory price for a service is about to end; supplies are dwindling)
  • “purpose and mission” (socially responsible, environmentally responsible, charitable purpose)
  • “prestige” (feelings of superiority associated with the ownership of luxury goods)
  • “health and fitness” (appealing to fear of illness and a desire for longevity)

“Ask yourself key questions about the psychological fulfillment your brand helps support,” McMurtry recommends.

Creating “hormonal blog content” means perceiving – and then presenting/seeing your product’s value in the light in which your customers’ subconscious minds will!
