It Takes Two To Make A Joke Funny – And To Give A Blog Its Bang

 I never get tired of hearing Dick Wolfsie talk about what makes jokes funny.  (Wolfsie, well-known local TV personality and author, has been studying humor for years and lectures on the subject at the University of Indianapolis.)  As a professional ghost blogger, I find myself revisiting the Wolfsie humor analysis, because jokes and blogs share many of the same characteristics.

To illustrate one important insight about humor, Dick often uses the joke about a man who thinks his wife is losing her hearing. At the end of the joke we learn that he, the husband, is the deaf one. As the story unfolds, the man comes home and keeps calling out to his wife, asking “What’s for dinner?”  Each time he poses the question, he comes closer to where she is standing (he’s testing the distance from which she’ll be able to hear him), yet she offers no response.  Finally, when he’s right there next to her and poses the question for the fifth time, she turns to him and answers, “For the fifth time –  we’re having chicken!”

Is it the surprise element that lends the humor?  That’s only part of the answer. If the punch line had been, “You’re the one that’s deaf, honey!” there’d still be a surprise, but no humor. In order for the joke to be funny, explains Wolfsie, the person listening to the joke or reading the joke has to figure things out!  The laughter is the reward that the listener or reader gives himself for having figured out what the punch line is really saying.  In other words, there’s no joke if the punch line is the proverbial tree falling in the forest.

Blogs are like that, too.  You may do your part, posting new, relevant material online, offering valuable information about your field of expertise.  But for the blog to generate a “bang”, it takes two.  In fact, that’s precisely how business blogging works.  People go online and use search engines (Google, Yahoo, MSN, AOL, etc.) to find information.  They need to know more about something, and that something has to do with what you have, what you know about, or what you know how to do.  Since you’ve provided relevant, up to date content in your blog post, that browser finds you!  Now it’s a blog, and you’ve got yourself a potential client or customer. That individual, just like the person who gets a joke, rewards himself with the information you’ve provided.  She/he “gets it” – and moves on to your website for more, or posts a comment.  Either way, two are now in the game.  Now you can start getting bang for your blog! 


Use Blogs To Capture Concepts

Tuning in to National Public Radio turned out to be a good thing for me to do the other day.  I caught another of those word tidbits that so delight the wordsmith in me. Daniel Gardner, author of a new book, “The Science Of Fear”, was being interviewed by Diane Rehm.  Gardner was expounding on why we fear things we shouldn’t, ironically exposing ourselves to real dangers.  He attributes our irrational fear to the fact that we’re constantly being fed disaster stories by the media.  Our unconscious minds absorb this “parade of improbable negative events”, causing us to overreact to everyday circumstances that statistically hold little real threat. 

And here’s where Daniel Gardner said the eight little words that so completely capture the concept he was trying to present: “We report the rare routinely, and the routine rarely.” To me, effective word tidbits sock us right between the eyes, and that one did it for me.  In fact, the instant I read that particular combination of everyday words, I had an “aha! moment”.  I was able to unify things I already knew, but hadn’t synthesized into any true wisdom. 

Blogging, at its best, should have exactly that effect.  Short by definition, blogs don’t necessarily give online searchers lots of brand new information.  But what your blog should aim to do is capture concepts relating to your business, putting words together in a new way.  Your aim is to bring to the reader a pleasurable and satisfying “Aha!”, making that reader want to know more. (My interest was captured – I went out and bought Daniel Gardner’s book!)  You want to bring the blog reader to your website in order to convert him/ her into a customer or client.

As a professional ghost blogger, the question I would pose to each client is this:  If you had only eight to ten words to describe why you’re passionate about what you sell, what you know, or what you do, what would those words be?  Once you’ve put together the word tidbits, I can “Say It For You”, and blogging for business can begin with a bang! 



Pack Light For Air Travel And For Blogs

When it comes to air travel these days, more is more.  American, United, Continental, and Northwest Airlines all sock passengers with a $25 charge – each way – for checking a second bag on domestic flights.  With Delta, you can make that $50.  Of course the hikes relate to the high cost of fuel; still, packing light has always been one of the better tips for savvy travelers.  I remember my grandmother advising us girls, “Wherever you’re headed, take half the clothes and double the money.”

In earlier Say It For You blog posts (see Kosciuszko National Memorial: A Blog Of A National Park), I offered similar advice culled from my experience as professional ghost blogger, explaining it’s best to focus each blog post on one idea.  Blogs, after all, are web logs, not web catalogues or web brochures.

Think of your website as the destination; your blog becomes the cab ride to the airport.  Pack your blog post with just enough material to show searchers they’re on track to find the services or information they need.  You might just find my grandmother’s advice was “right on” for your business, and that, by targeting your blog, you bring in half the browsers but double the buyers.!


Business Blogs – Still Way Closer To An Actual Human

MailI try never to miss the “Cathy” comic strip in my Indianapolis Star.  In one of the latest, Cathy and her boyfriend are opening their mail – he’s reading email on his laptop; she’s sorting through dozens upon dozens of envelopes.

He: “What’s all that?”                                
She: “Mail.”
He: “Mail?? Who sends paper mail?”
She: “People.”
He: “People?”
She: “Yes.  Unlike you in your cold electronic bubble, I get mail from people.”
(He looks through some of her mail…) “This is all mail from magazine subscription departments!”

And now comes her answer that I, member of a generation thrice removed from GenY, absolutely adore: “Still way closer to an actual human than you’ll get any time soon!”

Since I work as a professional ghost blogger, I’ve obviously been able to abandon most of my generational bias towards long, individually composed business letters and long phone conversations.  I’ve come into the world of electronic marketing tools.  But there’s a reason (I share this in the spirit of honest self-analysis) I gravitated towards composing blogs rather than designing websites.  In a way, blogs are the humanizing factor in the online communications family. The blogs are where you meet the people running the business or professional practice.

In today’s increasingly web-based business world, electronic marketing and prospecting strategies are must-haves. But, Cathy, you gotta know this: Blogs, even ghostwritten blogs, are way closer to an actual human than you get with brochures, billboards, and websites!


Blogs For The Texting Demographic

text messagingOn the surface, I wouldn’t have expected to find valuable insights about blogging in one of several professional journals I read to keep up my financial planning credentials.  But, in the June issue of Employee Benefit Advisor, I found an important piece of blogging wisdom. In his article “OMG I Have No Money – The Texting Demographic Requires New Approach”, Brent Shearer points out that employees under age 27 (there are 80 million of them in the U.S.) need tailored communications to urge them to participate in retirement savings plans.

Shearer sums up the hurdle facing employers and the investment industry in words that could have been taken from a web design and blogging manual.  He notes that GenY’ers expect to accomplish their objectives in just one or two clicks.  It’s important, he says, for a company’s website to create “an environment of comfort for making decisions quickly”.

As a professional ghost blogger, I know the statistics:  80% or more of business comes as a result of organic search. If you’re a business owner or have a professional practice, that means you’ll be meeting new customers and clients not because they searched for you by name, but because they used a search engine (Google, Yahoo, MSN, etc.)  to lead them to information on a topic.  If GenY is a big part of your target market, and if you used Search Engine Optimization strategy, providing relevant, new, frequently posted information through business blogging, your blogs could be the first step in your relationship with some new GenY clients.

SInce, as Shearer so aptly points out, GenYers make decisions quickly, those browsers are going to do one of two things – “bounce” away from your blog and keep looking for what they want, or (and this is the result you’re aiming for) proceed to visit your website.  Your website is where you’ve arranged for that “environment of comfort for making decisions quickly”.  The lesson business bloggers need to learn along with the employee benefit specialists: With a well-coordinated marketing approach, your business or practice will likely get a chance to “reach out and touch” the texting demographic.  You just won’t get ’em to sit still very long while you’re doing it!
