Professional Ghost Blogger Poised To Go Viral In ’09
Say It For You can’t compete with Wham-O, the maker of Hula Hoops and Frisbees I blogged about earlier this week. In its first year (fifty years ago), Wham-O sold more than one Hula Hoop for every two Americans alive at the time. I’m hardly crushed, though. For 2008, my first full year of professional ghost blogging, I’ve earned boasting rights of my own. Hard to believe, but I posted the equivalent of one and three quarters blogs for each day in the past calendar year. Most of these blogs, of course, were posted on behalf of my clients’ businesses and professional practices. Now, with the help of some contracted writers, Say It For You‘s on track to triple those results for 2009.
2008 marked the death of a fellow blogger whom I never got to meet in person. Olive Riley, promoted as the world’s oldest blogger, passed away at age 108 in her native Australia, after posting 74 blogs over a year and a half.
While the blogs I write are what marketing guru Seth Godin calls “viral blogs”, meant to attract traffic to business websites, Olive’s were personal blogs, which Seth calls “cat blogs”. Olive used blogging to stay in touch with friends, to share thoughts and experiences, and to discuss ideas. Her online obituary says “she will be mourned by thousands of Internet friends.”
Whether blogs aim to attract customers or correspondence among like-minded people, all blogs must begin with a core philosophy, explains Chris Baggott, CEO of Compendium Blogware. “The content needs to be human, passionate, and authentic,” he says, adding that “Anything less is a waste of time.”
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