The Two-Letter Word That Makes Magic For Blogs
My friend Bill Stanley sends interesting emails to all of us members of the Scientech group. His latest was about nuances of our English language, in particular the word "up". "Up" seems to have a greater number of meanings than any other two-letter word, and a greater number of functions as well – the dictionary lists it as an adverb, a preposition, an adjective, a noun, and a verb!
Without repeating Bill Stanley’s entire message, I’ll share some highlights. Bill asks us why, at meetings, topics come UP, why we speak UP and write UP reports, and why officers are UP for election. The email ends with Bill challenging all of us, if we are UP to the task, to build UP a list of the many ways UP is used. It might take UP a lot of our time, he explains, but if we don’t give UP, we can come UP with a hundred or more examples for our list.
Well, as a ghost blogger for business, Mr. Stanley, I can tell you I’m always thinking UP ways to help my clients’ blogs get picked UP by Internet search engines such as Google, Yahoo, or MSN. That helps move those blogs UP in ranking so they will (my hopes are UP!) show UP on Page One. When a corporate blog is launched, we don’t expect it to move UP immediately in ranking, but if we keep UP with our posting of blog content which is UP to date and relevant, it will stir UP interest among online searchers , who will then show UP at the blog, end UP at the business’ website, and wind UP doing business!
For business owners considering how to beef UP their online marketing efforts, there’s nothing to be mixed UP about. Don’t give UP on blogging, and keep picturing revenues moving in no direction but UP!
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