Business Blogging Provides a Chance to Send Messages to Your Customers, Too!
From time to time, my Say It For You blog will feature guest blog content writers with valuable thoughts to contribute about corporate blogging for business. Today’s guest blogger is friend Damon Richards, owner of Port-to-Port Consulting.
While the primary purpose for business blogging is to provide useful information to prospective customers so they will want to do business with you, a useful added benefit is the ability to send messages to your existing customers that you’d rather not have to tell them directly. I frequently use my business blog to post information that I want my Indianapolis outsourced IT support customers to know so that it’s familiar to them when one of my computer help desk technicians brings it up in conversation.
A great recent example was the discovery that virus infections were increasing as people started holiday shopping online from work. Personal email turned out to be the culprit, and we wanted to prepare our customers for the suggestion that these sites be restricted. I blogged about that before we contacted the organizations that were experiencing the problem.
In a business blog post, the statement seems more generic so my customers don’t feel singled out. They view things as universal problems, which makes them more willing to implement fixes. At the same time, the information presented is relevant to the prospects that I hope to find through successful Search Engine Marketing.
I’m not suggesting that you use your business blog to deliver bad news instead of taking it to the person who needs to hear it. Nor do I suggest announcing major shifts in internal policies that way. My point is that every now and then the same message that you use to enhance your brand development can be used to inform your current customers. Take advantage of the medium of blogging to reach your customers.
In providing corporate blogging training, I explain that blogging is just one part of a company’s marketing strategy and tactics development process. Here Damon Richards has suggested yet another application for business blog writing!
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