It Isn’t Easy, This Blogging for Business Thing
Blog marketing isn’t easy. (If it were, everyone’d be doing it; they aren’t!)
As an Indianapolis blog writer myself, I follow the blog of marketing professional Phil Steele. Steele sounds like an ad for a blog writing service when he counts the ways in which it’s so hard to sustain a consistent marketing program of any type…
"Urgent vs. Important: As ‘urgent’ matters arise in managing customer, vendor, and employee relationships, ‘important’ matters, like marketing, get moved down the list," Steele explains.
Knowing the crucial importance of branding and conveying the corporate message are to the success of any business, Inbound Marketing author Brian Halligan observes, "Your next marketing hire…should be someone with great writing skills." In fact, as a blog content writer over the years, offering business blogging help, I’ve thought of myself as a sort of inbound traffic cop.
"Lack of dedicated resources: The sales manager, business owner, or employee has multiple responsibilities, so the chances are that, when marketing is getting done, it’s sporadic and the message content not thoroughly thought out."
In a Financial Planning Magazine article, Steve Bogan explains that, in any business, there are four distinct roles that must be filled in order for the business to succeed. He names those roles Finder, Binder, Minder, and Grinder. The Finders search for new business, the Binders consummate the deals, the Minders manage the client relationships and provide client services, and the Grinders handle administrative tasks. While any of these positions could in theory generate excellent fodder for corporate blog writing, in reality, that rarely happens without consistent business blogging assistance. Outsourcing the work to a freelance blog writer often proves the most practical solution for the business.
"Not knowing where to start: Business owners and managers know their businesses very well. But ask them to put their sales message or the benefits of working with their company down on paper, and they don’t know where to start."
In fact, it was to satisfy this very need to put a company’s message to paper that inspired the founding of Say It For You. Often, after months and even years of procrastination, some intense corporate blogging training sessions are enough to give business owners or managers a place to start in creating their own SEO marketing blog.
Business owners who realize they do not have the time or resources for corporate blogging for business invite me to discuss the business blogging service I provide, They tell me they want to take advantage of every possible marketing angle in order to reach their niche market and help their business to get found online. They know adding even one more item to their already full plate isn’t going to be easy.
Steele’s advice on marketing: "First, be committed to making it happen. Secondly, put in place either internal or external dedicated marketing resources. By putting someone in charge of implementing your marketing plan, the odds of it happening go up significantly."
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