Corporate Blog Writing Leans Towards a More Minimal Style
Much has been said to – and by – blog content writers on the subject of keeping blog posts short. Ted Demopoulos, author of What No One Ever Tells You About Blogging and Podcasting, chose Meryl K. Evans as his favorite content maven, and quotes Evans’ advice to "shoot for 500 words or less…Readers want to get to the heart of the matter and get out."
There’s more to the matter, though, than merely counting, then chopping words, as I tell business blog content writers in blogging training sessions. In business blogging
I explain, we can take our cue from Canadian interior designer Tamar Wouters: "When rooms lean towards a more minimal style, the focal points become more obvious."
Minimalism in blogging, I think, includes making posts readable and easier to look at, with short paragraphs and visual focal points such as graphs, pictures, photos, bullet points and bolding. Word has it that Google likes bullet points as well. Unprofessional lapses, on the other hand, such as misspelling, typos, and grammar errors, draw attention away from the focus of the blog post.
When it comes to the business blog writing itself, I explain to business owners for whom I’m providing blog writing services, minimalism, as with interior design, brings focus. Presenting, then illustrating, a single concept, leaving the rest for another day, is the very essence of effective blog post creation.
Despite the fact that any SEO marketing blog needs to incorporate keyword phrases in the text in order to help boost search rankings, minimalist good practices apply. In all my reading of books and blogs on the matter, I’ve never found a specific number put to this idea. So, by way of providing specificity in this Say It For You post offering business blogging assistance, I’ll suggest a ratio of 1:10 (words in keyword phrases compared to total words in the post).
Readers, as Evans aptly pointed out, do want to get to the heart of the matter, and those providing blog writing services can help readers do just that though focusing on one idea per post. But as an Indianapolis blog writer, I know that what business owners do not want blog readers to do is "get out". In fact, corporate blogging for business should be directed at encouraging readers to get in, through clicking through to the business’ website to seek more information, subscribe to the blog, sign up for email or newsletter, or make the digital cash register ring right now!
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