In Blogging, a Thesaurus is Handy, Yet Must Be Handled With Care
When she got to college, now-seasoned author Jennifer Blanchard relates, she learned that her obsession with her thesaurus was, in fact, a problem. Jennifer had tried to impress the editor of the college newspaper by using a variety of big words in her article, but was soon taught that not all synonyms are created equal.
Still, when it comes to blog marketing, there’s no denying that word choice can, as the Palm Beach Content Company points out, “make the difference between a compelling post that converts and a boring one that drives readers away”.
With Webster’s Thesaurus of the English Language occupying a place of honor on my own Say It For You bookshelf, I can attest to both the usefulness of this little reference book in varying the vocabulary I use in blogging for business – and the pitfalls…
Here are just a few examples of everyday word pairs which my thesaurus offers as synonyms, but which could not be interchangeable in blog content:
Decide/ solve
Online searchers are searching for products or services to help solve problems they are experiencing. Each prospect must decide which of several solutions to implement.
Workmen/ artisans/ craftsmen
A workman or worker does labor. Artisans are skilled laborers who use tools and machinery to create projects designed for aesthetic appeal, while craftsmen are skilled creators of functional items..
Load/ cargo
A load is a burden or weight to be carried, while cargo is freight carried by a ship or plane.
Resource/ substitute
While a substitute is something a consumer sees as the same or similar to another product or service, a resource is material that (or people who) help us satisfy needs.
Alone/ lonely
Being alone is a physical state of being by yourself, while being lonely is an emotional state.
Award/ reward
An award is typically give in public as a recognition of achievement. A reward may be a cash prize or simply a positive result of an action.
Handle/ manipulate
Both these words imply touching or moving something with one’s hands. However, the wrd manipulation has negative connotations, such as people taking advantage of others.
Renowned novelist Stephen King didn’t think content writers should use the thesaurus, famously saying that “any word you have to hunt for in a thesaurus is the wrong word”.
The opposite view is expressed by the Myovient English Learning Center: The most common use of a thesaurus is to avoid word repetition, and to identify replacements for words that seem too common or dull, creating texts that are more interesting because of the richer language that is used.”
Two things are true in blogging: A thesaurus is a handy tool. A thesaurus must be used with caution.

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