How to Use Numbers Without Being a Numbers Nudnik


With both of this week’s Say It For You blog posts representing my reaction to Ryan Law’s very provocative piece “The Four Forces of Bad Content”, today our focus is on what Law mocks as “deference to data”.  Yes, Law accedes, content marketing should be data-driven, but “the way most writers use evidence…actually undermines their argument.”  Three specific practices he mocks are a) injecting a tired-out statistic into an opening sentence  b) using questionable, outdated data points  and c) dumping quotes from experts with only a thin narrative to link them to the argument.

As a content writer and trainer, I actually believe that numbers, which can be used to “build belief” are often underutilized.  Statistics, I explain to business owners and professional practitioners, are not merely attention-grabbers, but can be used to demonstrate the extent of a problem their product or service helps address. If there’s some false impression people seem to have relating to your industry, or to a product or service you provide, I explain, you can bring in statistics to show how things really are. Using data in content marketing relates to the theory of social proof, meaning that, as humans, we are simply more willing to do something if we see that other people are doing it. I agree with Law that, when using statistics in marketing content, it’s important to include the source, providing the answer to readers’ unspoken question: “Why should I accept these statistics as proof?”

A few years ago, I remember reading an Indianapolis Business Journal article titled “In the workplace: Data is a commodity, but insight is gold”. When numbers are tossed around, people generally view it as vital information, she says, but people may not want to read raw data; they want someone to tell them what the data means. When explained effectively, her point was, it can make people think and then move to making decisions.

Pedro Cardoso of Enterprise Apps Today has some very relevant commentary about data. Typically, websites are used to provide data, he says – what products and services the company offers and in what “packages”, who the players are, in what geographical area the company operates. (I believe that, on the better sites, there is also data presented pertaining to the owners and the history of the company). The real value, though, Cardoso points out is in the information behind the data.:

Go ahead and use numbers, we recommend at Say It For You, but avoid being a numbers nudnik!


Spicing Up Content Using Word Story Tidbits

Just as spices can be used to enhance a standard meat-and-potatoes meal, at Say It For You, we’re always on the alert for ways to “spice up” content marketing text. Explaining the origin of unusual words and expressions can enhance content, making the information which providers of goods and services “serve up” to their readers a tad “tastier”.

 “Ghost words”:

Some words that appear in the dictionary actually originated from typos or linguistic errors, and marketers can describe these happy mistakes as part of their web page or blog post content.  Apparel vendors, for example can share with their readers the tidbit Angela Tung explains in Mental Floss: the word “tweed” may have come from a misuse of the Scottish word tweel,  which was how the Scots pronounced  “twill” (woven fabric).

Content marketers for tutoring or for academics programs might want to explain the mistake that resulted in the word  “syllabus” – Roman philosopher Cicero wrote about sittybas,  referring to the label on a papyrus roll. Somewhere along the line, this was misprinted  as syllabus.

Expressive expressions:

“All that and a bag of chips”, an expression from the 90s (meaning that something is especially  impressive or attractive), first appeared in a 1994 issue of People magazine, WordSmarts explains. Grocers, fast food restaurants and snack food companies might use this tidbit in their marketing materials.  A second expression that food providers might want to include is “spill the beans”.  In the ancient Greek process of voting, putting a white bean in the jar meant “yes”; black or brown ones signified “no”.  If someone spilled the beans, Melanie Curtin writes in Inc., the election results would be revealed.  

Sales trainers and  networking advisors might explain the origin of the expression “break the ice”. Before road transportation was developed, ships were the means of trade.  When ships got stuck during the winter, small ships would be sent to clear a path by breaking up the ice, as Anais John explains in Grammarly.

Spice up your content marketing using some of these word history tidbits!


Content That Sets a Standard



Absolute perfection!  (That was my first thought upon reading this Patek Phillippe ad in a special issue of Forbes:

 At Patek Phillipe, when we make a watch, however hard we work, we can only go at one  speed. One that ensures we adhere to the high standards for which we are respected. 

We understand that some people express frustration at this. They want to us to go  faster. But at our family-owned watch company, fast is the enemy.  Because to accelerate the time it takes to make a watch, we would have had to cut corners  and lower our quality.

 And then the watch might be a very good timepiece.  But it would not be a Patek Phillipe and would not merit the Patek Phillipe seal.

Thierry Stern, President

Notice how the president of Patek Phillipe never puts down competitors, in fact never even mentions other watchmakers. For that reason, he comes across as a leader, not a follower.

In content marketing, we teach, negatives against competitors are a basic no-no. Sure, in writing for business, we want to clarify the ways we stand out from the competition.  But, to get the point across that readers should want to choose your business or practice, or your products and services over those offered by the competition, it’s best to emphasize the positive.

An alternate approach to mentioning the competition in content marketing includes acknowledges that there may be alternative approaches to reader’s problem or need, then offering evidence backing up your own viewpoint.

A point I often stress in corporate blogging training sessions is that you’ve got to have an opinion, a slant, on the information you’re serving up for readers. In other words, content, to be effective, can’t be just compilations of other people’s stuff, making that be your entire blog presence. Yes, aggregation may make your site the “go-to” destination for information on  your subject. The bottom line, though, is that Thierry Stern understands the power of thought leadership, of staying true to the care values on which your business or practice was founded.

Sure, your competitors’ products and services may be very good products and services, but they wouldn’t be uniquely yours, and your content wouldn’t set a standard.


The 3-Act Structure for Plays and Blog Posts


The three-act structure dates back to the days of Aristotle, Gabriel Pereira reminds readers of Writer’s Digest. In Act I, the status quo is revealed, describing the world in which the story is going to take place. This first act sets the tone and gives the story a reason for starting at this particular place and time. At the end of Act I, there is either an event that shakes things up for the character, or a choice the character must face.

Act II is usually the longest of the three acts, Pereira explains. Here subplots and supporting characters can be added. It is in Act II that the character makes a choice and changes his or her outlook. By the beginning of Act III, the character has reached his/her lowest point, and, by the end, readers get a sense of closure and resolve.

One function of any marketing blog, of course, is to provide valuable information to consumers highlighting the benefits to be gained by using a certain product or service or by following a certain plan. But writing for business needs to draw attention to the “flip side of the calculator”, meaning the costs of waiting to take action. In your blog post, “Act II” might be a good place for the post’s first CTA (call to action), showing readers how to put what they have learned to use.

While the three-act design is by no means the only possibility, Pereira admits, many works of fiction do follow that design because it has a clear beginning, middle and end. “Done well, it takes the reader on a satisfying journey.”

The three-act structure has great relevance to the order in which information is presented in effective blog posts. Online readers will have landed on your blog because they are interested in finding information on your topic and possibly making a purchase. They need immediate confirmation that they’ve come to the right place. To that end, according to blog mavens Shel Holtz and Ted Demopoulos, key words and phrases should be among the first words in your blog title and then reappear in your first lines of the post. Then, at the “back end”, (Act III), the “pow” closing statement should tie back, we teach at Say It For You, to the opener.

Of course, when it comes to content marketing through blogs, the reader’s “journey” isn’t over at the end of the post. As writers, we can do well today what we may not have done so well yesterday or the day before.  Since blog posts typically appear in reverse chronological order, I explain in Say It For You training sessions, your best blogs will be the ones searchers see first!

The three-act structure can work well for both plays and blog posts!


Reasons to Write a 300-Word Business Blog Post


Fascinated by the Writer’s Yearbook 2023 article “10 Reasons to Write a 100-Word Story”, I began thinking of all the discussions around the questions of the optimal length for blog posts. Ran Walker, explaining while he’s stopped writing novels, said “I could no longer bring myself to write stories where I had to expand them beyond what I felt their natural lengths were.” Writing shorter stories forces you to refocus and choose only what’s important, Walker says. Word count matters, but it’s about condensing, not expanding, changing for the better the way you pace your story and what you choose to show the reader. Using just 100 words allows you to “create a resonance in a single moment.” Following is my (under-300-word) opinion post:

How long should your blog posts be? asks Wall Street Journal’s Joe Bunting. When it comes to our writing, we want more, he admits, not less: more readers, more comments, more backlinks, and more traffic. He’s experimented with different lengths, Bunting says, finding that each has advantages. Shorter posts tend to garner more comments, while longer posts get shared more widely. Medium-form posts are good for generating discussion. Very long, in-depth, heavily researched posts (2,400+ words long generate more Google traffic, he notes.

“Though content must be relevant, it might differ in types, mediums, formats, and style in order to arouse interest or evoke debate…but to be read at all, blog posts must always deliver upon their promise,” cautions. “Before blogs became political in the early 2000s, they were merely means to make private thoughts and opinions public. The personal touch, however, remains their vital characteristic to date.”

Opinions have always differed on the optimal size for a blog post. Having composed blog posts (as both a Say It For You ghost writer and under my own name) numbering well into the tens of thousands, I’m still finding it difficult to fix on any rule other than “It depends!” I agree with Ran Walker that purposely keeping content short forces us to choose only those elements that drive home the single point that is the focus of that one post. Research on “duration neglect” reveals that when people assess an experience, they tend to forget or ignore its length, rating an experience based on the peak (the best or worst moment) and the ending. Writing shorter posts allows me to “create a resonance” around a single concept.
