It’s Easier to Buy Perfume Than Blog

If you’re involved in any way in marketing a business or a practice, I know you’ll get a kick out of this story from the Reader’s Digest June issue:

  Every year for my birthday, my husband buys me a particular perfume that
                  I especially love. This past year, with money tight, I told him not to bother getting
                  me a gift. Instead, I asked that he handwrite a letter encapsulating our 25 years together.

                  My husband leaned in, gently took my hand, and begged, ”Can I please just buy you the bottle of perfume?”

Every minute of every day, millions upon millions of new blogs come online. Fast forward a few months and many of them quit. Visitors to those websites find content dated months and even years ago. Why? thinks there are several reasons:

  • They have no patience.
  • They lose motivation.
  • They have a “me too” mentality and don’t know how to be unique.
  • They cannot write interesting content.
  • They fail to promote their blog.

There’s actually a scientific name for what ails that husband in the story. In fact, there are two:
“graphophobia” and “scriptophobia”, Jacob Olesen explains in Fear of writing, he says, usually originates from a negative experience in one’s past (Could it be that the husband was forever scarred by his second grade teacher’s criticism of his cursive??).

Whatever ails the guy in the story, don’t let yourself fall prey to that malady, cautions Don’t participate in the neglected websites syndrome. Give your blog some love and it will make a huge difference against your competitors.

Problem is, it’s less work to buy that bottle of perfume. Far too many business owners start out strong with their blogging, but months or even weeks later, begin to fizzle. Daily blogs become weekly blogs, and pretty soon, months go by between blog posts. In fact, my company, Say It For You, was founded to provide professional writing services to business clients, whose attention was constantly drawn away from content creation because they were putting out fires, making sales, and dealing with personnel issues.

Most business owners today know that business blog writing in their area of expertise is important for getting indexed by search engines and getting found by potential clients and customers. Rather than having web visitors find years-old content on their blog page, owners are best off leaving the driving to professional content writing “surrogates

Truth is, it’s easier to buy perfume than blog!


Picking an Outfit – for an Interview or a Blog Post

“We all make judgments about the people we come into contact with within the first few minutes of meeting them,” ZipRecruiter observes in IndyStar. “In fact, we tend to assume that people who dress well are more competent, even if they aren’t.”

Interesting, I thought. Two pieces of the how-to-pick-a-job-interview-outfit advice ZipRecruiter offers can be easily adapted to business blog content writing…After all, as content writers, our goal is to make a good impression on visitors to our – or our clients’ – websites..

Observe others
To get a sense of how you might want to present yourself, do some people-watching. For each person that passes, write down the first adjective that comes to mind – professional, confident, stylish. Decide which words you’d like to be associated with and mirror that look.

Business blogging is one way we have of “talking about ourselves”, and we need to make sure we use words in ways that give readers the right impression. One way to “see” ourselves from the point of view of visitors is to visit others’ websites, including those of competitors. Is the “vibe” welcoming and empathetic? Brash? Don’t copy, simply get a sense of how different websites appeal to visitors, and emulate the tone that seems to best reflect the impression you’d like to make on visitors to your site.

Of course, as Neil Patel points out, you can also use “competitive intelligence” to gain insight into which keywords are helping your competitors’ rankings online.

Strike a pose
In the right outfit, you’re more likely to “strike a power pose” and put your best foot forward. Look for fashion at affordable prices or reach out to a friend or family member who can lend you an outfit.

In blog marketing, as I teach at Say It For You, the visual elements are as important as the content itself. The main message of a blog is delivered in words, of course. Where visuals come in, whether they’re in the form of “clip art”, photos, graphs, charts, or even videos, is to add interest and evoke emotion. You should take pride in your blog’s appearance, ease of navigation, and correct grammar.

Whether for a job interview or a blog post – it’s important to pick an outfit!


Break Full Articles Apart in Blogging for Business

When it comes to blogging, we at Say It For You firmly believe in the Power of One:

  • One message
  • One outcome
  • One audience
  • One writer
  • One client

    A very well-written article that appeared recently in the Indianapolis Business Journal reinforced for me an important difference between nonfiction articles and blog posts, with each post having a razor-sharp focus on just one idea or concept, one aspect of a business or practice. With apologies to George Lesmeister, CEO and founder of LGC Hospitality, I’m going to use his article to illustrate how a single topic article can provide the fodder for several very focused, very effective blog posts.

The overall premise of the Lesmeister piece is that a large pool of job candidates till now be actively seeking employment, those job seekers are going to be choosy. The author offers several pieces of advice to employers about ways to provide a good hiring experience for candidates.

“While Indiana’s unemployment rate spiked to 17% during the pandemic, it’s now 3.9%). Our sector (Lessmeister’s staffing firm specializes in the hospitality industry) lost the largest number of jobs.” What’s more, the author adds, “A May estimate shows some 116,000 job openings in Indiana.”

In teaching business owners and professional practitioners how to create content for blog posts, I stress the power of using statistics in blogs:

  • Statistics can serve as myth-busters, dispelling false impressions people may have regarding your industry.
  • Statistics grab visitors’ attention.
  • Statistics can be used demonstrate the extent of a problem opening the door for your to show how you help solve that very type of problem.

My point: This one portion of Lesmeister’s article (the unemployment statistics) can constitute an entire blog post.

Best practices:
The author’s admonition that “Respect is a two-way street” would make for an engaging blog post title. Workers see help-wanted signs, go inside to apply, fill out an application, and never hear back, Lessmeister laments. Certainly an entire blog post might focus on best practices within your industry or profession.

One thing I suggest stressing in blog posts is best business practices.  While a goal of any marketing blog is to help your business or practice “get found”, once that’s happened, the goal changes to helping online readers appreciate the specific ways you choose to run your enterprise.

  • Specific solutions and advice
    “Even if a job candidate does not have experience in one particular area, evaluate the soft skills during the interview process. …Can the applicant quickly be trained to make an impact?”

    Solve a problem, own the customer, sales trainers like to say. That’s because people are online searching for answers to their problems or solutions for dilemmas they’re facing.  If your business has been consistently posting content, those people are going to find you, because your posts provide the solutions they need. Providing a powerful online “voice” to solutions to searchers’ problems is the essence of content writers’ work!

    Out of just this one article might come many different, powerful blog posts:

  • busting one myth common among consumers of their product or service they’re marketing
  • offering one testimonial from a user of that product or service
  • describing an unusual application for that product
  • describing one common problem their service helps solve
  • updating readers on one new development in that industry or profession
  • offering a unique opinion or slant on best practices

Break full articles (your own or others’) apart for blogging for business!



In Blogging, a Thesaurus is Handy, Yet Must Be Handled With Care

When she got to college, now-seasoned author Jennifer Blanchard relates, she learned that her obsession with her thesaurus was, in fact, a problem. Jennifer had tried to impress the editor of the college newspaper by using a variety of big words in her article,  but was soon taught that not all synonyms are created equal.

Still, when it comes to blog marketing, there’s no denying that word choice can, as the Palm Beach Content Company points out, “make the difference between a compelling post that converts and a boring one that drives readers away”.

With Webster’s Thesaurus of the English Language occupying a place of honor on my own Say It For You bookshelf, I can attest to both the usefulness of this little reference book in varying the vocabulary I use in blogging for business – and the pitfalls…

Here are just a few examples of everyday word pairs which my thesaurus offers as synonyms, but which could not be interchangeable in blog content:

Decide/ solve
Online searchers are searching for products or services to help solve problems they are experiencing. Each prospect must decide which of several solutions to implement.

Workmen/ artisans/ craftsmen
A workman or worker does labor. Artisans are skilled laborers who use tools and machinery to create projects designed for aesthetic appeal, while craftsmen are skilled creators of functional items..

Load/ cargo
A load is a burden or weight to be carried, while cargo is freight carried by a ship or plane.

Resource/ substitute
While a substitute is something a consumer sees as the same or similar to another product or service, a resource is material that (or people who) help us satisfy needs.

Alone/ lonely
Being alone is a physical state of being by yourself, while being lonely is an emotional state.

Award/ reward
An award is typically give in public as a recognition of achievement. A reward may be a cash prize or simply a positive result of an action.

Handle/ manipulate
Both these words imply touching or moving something with one’s hands. However, the wrd manipulation has negative connotations, such as people taking advantage of others.

Renowned novelist Stephen King didn’t think content writers should use the thesaurus, famously saying that “any word you have to hunt for in a thesaurus is the wrong word”.

The opposite view is expressed by the Myovient English Learning Center: The most common use of a thesaurus is to avoid word repetition, and to identify replacements for words that seem too common or dull, creating texts that are more interesting because of the richer language that is used.”

Two things are true in blogging: A thesaurus is a handy tool. A thesaurus must be used with caution.


Starting – and Sticking With – Blogging for Business

While launching a business blog is a fearsome thing for many, sustaining the process is even harder, as Seth Godin discusses in The Dip.

Too many business owners and professional practitioners embark on blog marketing in recognition of its power to generate interest in their products and services. What gets them down is the week-after-week work of creating new, relevant, interesting, and results-producing…blog posts.

In the face of all the compelling reports demonstrating the value of blog marketing, Caslon Analytics tells us that most blogs are abandoned soon after creation (with 60% to 80% abandoned within one month!, 1.09 million blogs were one-day wonders, with no postings on subsequent days. The average blog, Caslon remarks ruefully, “has the lifespan of a fruitfly”.

Problem is, as we well know at Say It For You, in blog marketing, it’s just not OK to quit. Those abandoned blogs belong to those who don’t recognize what Seth Godin describes as the “extraordinary benefits that accrue to the tiny minority of people who are able to push just a tiny bit longer than most”. Google and other search engines tend to give more weight to websites that update their content regularly and that “keep on keeping on.” In fact, it’s the constant, consistent stream of new content that gives blogging its edge over other forms of marketing.

After years of being involved in all aspects of corporate blog writing and corporate blogging training, one irony I’ve found is that blog content writers who do nothing more than “show up” are exceptional! That’s because business owners who are able and willing to maintain consistency and frequency in posting to their blog are so rare. Remember, a company or practice might be achieving exceptional results, but potential customers and clients don’t yet know that, and that’s the message that needs to come across in the blog (and the latest entry cannot be six months old!).

Readers and search engines each know to “expect” fresh content. Freelance blog content writers are helping their business owner and professional practitioner clients build equity in keyword phrases over time, helping clients achieve those “extraordinary benefits that accrue to the tiny minority of people who are able to push just a tiny bit longer than most”.

