Your Blog is Part of Your Customer Feedback Loop

According to one Forbes study, 86% of consumers will actually pay more for a better customer experience, Devin Pickell, writing for, reminds business owners and practitioners; one of the best ways to put your customer first, Pickett urges, is implementing a customer feedback loop. Constantly collecting feedback from customers and readers and following up on that feedback allows you to improve areas causing user frustration and do more of what’s working well. Customers need to “feel heard”.

Agreed. As part of the business blogging assistance I offer through Say It For You, I’m always talking to business owners about their customer service.  The challenge is – EVERY business says it offers superior customer service! (Has any of us ever read an ad or a blog that does NOT tout its superior customer service?)  Fact is, individual blog posts can become a valuable part of each content writing client’s own customer feedback loop.

  •  Blog content should include stories specifically illustrating why your company’s customer service exceeds the norm.
  •  Surveys and self-tests can be used in blog content to find out what negative, “pet peeve” experiences may have caused reader to contemplate changing providers.
  • Messaging must offer the opportunity for personalized service – both before and after a purchase (yes, even in the online product purchase world of today).
  • Customers value the ability to gain new insights and learn new skills. Blog posts that take the form of tutorials and step-by-step instructions tend to be valued by readers.
  •  In Journalism 101, I was taught to “put a face on the issue” by beginning articles with a human example  A case study takes that personalization even further, chronicling a customer or client who had a certain problem or need, taking readers through the various stages of how the product or service was used to solve that problem. What were some of the issues that arose along the way? What new insights were gained through that experience, on the part of both the business and the customer?
  • The navigation paths on your blog site had better to be “easy to digest”. I caution new clients. You may have hired us for business blogging assistance, but keep thi important factor in mind: At the very moment that an online reader decides they’re ready to learn more, that they have a question to ask, or that they’re ready to take advantage of your products and services, you must make it convenient for them. They may want something, but not enough to spend extra energy to find it!

Whether you use survey tools, life chat, social media monitoring, or analytics tools, HelpScout reminds owners, what’s important is that you actually collect feedback so that you know what you’re doing well and what to improve upon.


Blog Marketing and Network Marketing – Sisters Under the Skin


Network marketers who ask themselves the question “Who do I talk to next now that my original list of names has run out?” might find answers in Bob Burg’s The Last Prospecting Guide You’ll Ever Need: Direct Sales Edition. While Berg discusses salespeople’s face-to-face and telephone encounters with their prospects, blog content writers can take some tips from him as well.

  • Mega-successful networkers are active givers, “constantly on the lookout for a piece of information that will interest someone in their network. They recommend great books, make lots of introductions.

I’ve spent more than a decade now putting together a collection of books that serve as blog writing resources – books about writing, “tidbit treasure” books, books about marketing, books about sales, and books about corporate blogging. Many Say It for You blog posts are built around content from specific books, with links to help readers order the book for themselves. I often recommend books to my Twitter followers as well.

  • Successful networkers are “connectors”, realizing that everyone they meet might turn out to be a valuable contact to someone else in their network.

When I’m creating content for a business, I need to keep up on what others are saying on the topic, on what’s in the news, and about what problems and questions have been surfacing that relate to what my client sells and what that business or practice does for its clients. By staying alert, I often find problems best solved by networking colleagues rather than by myself or my blogging client. 

  • Successful networkers enjoy the challenge, the learning, and the people with whom they interact.

In the business world in general, I find, we get tied up in making our products or in providing service to our customers and clients, and sometimes forget how much help the right words can be. The challenge is that often business owners and professional practitioners remain “unblogged”, mostly for lack of time.  The ultimate challenge for content writers is to make that connection between them and all the searchers who need their experience and knowhow.

  • Successful networkers are always on the lookout for things that can help others improve their business.

At Say It For You, we advise content writers to find complementary businesses or practices.  Ask those owners (or cite their blogs) for tips they can offer your readers.  Pet care professionals can share tips from carpet cleaning pros – or the reverse! If you’re a carpet cleaning pro, you can share tips from allergists as well.  If you’re an insurance advisor, offer tips from car dealers about accident prevention…

Blog marketing and networking – sisters under the skin!


Should Blog Titles Tell All?

Besides being an absolutely fascinating read, Popular Science Magazine‘s special collector’s edition “Journey to the Future” offers a course in creating interesting titles (a topic of extreme interest, as you may imagine, to any blog content writer).

Of course, when it comes to blogs, the very first piece of information readers are going to receive is the title of the post. We want the searcher to click on the link, and of course we want search engines to offer our content as a match for readers seeking information and guidance on our topic. More than that, though, a blog post title in itself constitutes a set of implied promises to visitors. In essence, you’re saying, “If you click here, you’ll be led to a post that in fact discussing the topic mentioned in the title.

Here are some very straightforward titles from Popular Science Magazine:

  • Quantum Computing: the Future of AI
  • Will Robots Help or Harm? That’s Up to Humans
  • The Future of Transplants
  • Boosting Memory

    In blogs, as we teach at Say It For You, even the tone of the title constitutes a promise of sorts, telling the searcher whether the content is going to be humorous, satirical, controversial, cautionary, or simply informative. Then, for SEO (Search Engine Optimization) purposes, the title needs to contain keyword phrases, which each of these titles does. At the same time, an important purpose of marketing blogs is inducing searchers to read the post, and for that, the title must arouse curiosity and interest.

Curiosity-piquing titles in this Popular Science issue include:

  • Get Ready to Sniff Disease
  • Engineered for Ethics
  • Running on Reckless
  • Eyes on the Earth
  • Re-defining Meat
  • Always on Duty

(Fascinating, curious titles, but you don’t really know what sort of content to expect in the article to come.)

One compromise is what I call the “Huh?-Oh!” two-part title, in which the first part is an attention-getter, with more of an explanation in the second part.

Examples of two-part titles from Popular Science:

  • All Together Now – Human Societies are the Technologies of the Future and Cooperation is the Fuel
  • The Extra-Dimensional Artist – When Visual Art and Augmented reality Merge

One popular misconception I run into as a business blogging trainer is that blog titles need to be what I would call “cutesy”, meaning they must have an enticing “ring” to them that arouses attention. My opinion – Cutesy belongs in baby clothes. Yes, blog post titles need to capture attention, but when readers click on a link, they need to find material that is congruent with what the title promised would be there.


Letting the ideas Do the Work in Your Blog

“By the end of three minutes, your audience will already be leaning yes or no on your proposal”, Brant Pinvidic writes in The 3-minute Rule. You know your product, service, or company is amazing, but they don’t know how it works or why it’s so great. You need to give them more knowledge in less time, the author explains, not selling, but letting the ideas do the work. 

Given the concern today about the rising price of oil, I was particularly taken by the story Pinvidic shares about an oil company executive. (This was taking place back when oil prices were one quarter what they are now.) Pindivic was coaching the presenter, whose goal was to show investors that his company, unlike others, had found a way to keep drilling even if oil were to fall to $32 a barrel (the price was $40 at the time) The problem – it was only after 17 minutes of presenting (by which time the audience had fallen asleep) that the speaker explained how his company could keep drilling at $32 a barrel of oil..

The revised presentation began with the most important idea, the essence of the proposal: Our company can keep drilling profitably even if crude prices drop below $32 a barrel. Next came the “why” and the “how”: We have clear leases on proven wells with ample reserves. The valley location gives takers quick access to major highways to the Port of Houston. The new presentation ended with perspective and context: Our competitors must stop production below $37 a barrel.

In a nutshell, Brant Pinvidic is urging marketers to stop selling and to let the ideas do the work: “Don’t state and prove. Inform and lead.”

At Say It For You, I often refer to blogs as the sound bites of the Internet. In short segments, business owners convey to readers the essence of their accomplishments. Corporate blog writing, I explain, isn’t advertising, Blog content writing means telling readers about the essence of your special knowledge, insights, and beliefs, as well as about the products or services you offer. However, just as Pindivic stresses, the most important idea (and there should be just one core “thesis” for each blog post) needs to reassure readers they’ve come to the right place for the solution to their problem or the answer to their question.

While your topic may have little to do with oilfields, your audience needs your help “drilling down” – and quickly – to the essence of what you know, what you do, and how you can be of benefit to them. Stop selling and let the ideas do the work!



In Blogging for Business, Clarity is Better Than Originality

We never want to alienate readers “just for the sake of it”, cautions Moriah Richard, editor of Writer’s Digest. Readers want to be surprised, but they don’t want to be tricked, she explains.

Camilla Allegrucci agrees. She has good news and bad news for writers all wrapped into one: “New ideas are not a thing”. Rather than original ideas, she says, you need an original voice. Sure, you might need some work to refine your “voice”, but you can express yourself in the best way your voice allows. When it comes to content writing, it’s all about answering your audience’s queries, so why reinvent the wheel when people are already telling us what they want to read about? Write from your own perspective and

An audio course for book authors, Brainstorming a Better Book Title, emphasizes the same concept. “The number one requirement for your book title is, does it clearly indicate what the book is about? If you can come up with a title that’s both clear and clever, all the better, Marci Yudkin says. But if you must choose between clarity and cleverness, clarity is more important for success.

“Cutesy is for dolls, not blog post titles,” is my own Say It For You motto. Yes, titles are important, very important. In fact, titles represent crucial elements in capturing the interest of both search engines and online searchers. But, aside from Search Engine Optimization considerations, the title of a blog post constitutes a set of implied promises to visitors: The main promise is simply this: lf you choose to click on this title, it will lead you to a blog post with information on the topic named in the title.

It helps to bring in less well-known facts about familiar things and processes, and even more when you suggest new ways of thinking about things readers already know. New ideas may not be “a thing”, but new insights and opinions can be. At Say It For You, our advice to business owners and their content writers is that you must offer an opinion, a slant, on the information you’re serving up to readers. No, it’s not “new information”, and you’re not re-inventing the proverbial wheel. What’s “new is the clarity of your views on the subject.

In blogging for business, clarity is better than originality – every time.

