Don’t Kill With Your Critique


Kill with your critique, but do it in a good way, Ryan G. Van Cleave advises in Writer’s Yearbook 2025. As an editor, van Cleave is regularly invited to conferences to give manuscript critiques.  He knew his comments were difference-making, but “best of all, no one cried”.

You can offer serious, honest feedback without it being crushing, Angela Ackerman notes, by following these guidelines:

  • being constructive, not destructive
  • praising the good along with pointing out the bad
  • focusing on the writing, not the writer

In comparative advertising, value is conveyed not only from quality, but from the disparity in quality between one product or service and another. The other company or provider serves as an anchor, or reference point to demonstrate the superiority of your product or service. Still, at Say It For You, we advise not “killing with critiques”. Yes, in writing for business, we want to clarify the ways we stand out from the competition, but staying positive is still paramount.

What about the other extreme, offering positive comments about a competitor? While it might appear that praising or even recognizing the accomplishments of a competitor is the last thing any business owner or professional practitioner would want to do, prospective buyers need to know you’re aware they have other options, and that you can be trusted to have their best interests in mind.


The challenge posed to us as content writers relates less to critiques of our competitors, but in making clear just what our clients make, sell, and do that sets them apart from their competitors. Even more importantly, we must make clear why any of those differences would even matter to their prospects. In a sense, the purpose of content marketing is to provide a forum for business owners and practitioners to answer those very “what”, “how”, and “why” questions!


An essential point I often stress to clients is that the content must represent their opinion or slant on the information we will be  helping them serve up to their readers,  expressing the core values on which  their business or practice was founded.  That way, they protect themselves from being “killed with critique”, establishing themselves as thought leaders and subject matter experts.



Speaking English in Content Marketing

“This big fat notebook makes all the stuff you learn in school sink in,” the editors of The Complete Middle School Study Guide to English Language Arts promise. “Words don’t exist in a vacuum out in space, the authors explain. Sometimes we can only understand what they mean because of the other words around them..”As a content writer, I found the author’s list of word relationships might serve as a checklist of ideas for different ways of presenting information in blog posts (adapting the sophistication level, of course, to the target audience)

“I wanted a new bike because I saw the one Carlos had.”‘

A small business owner’s or a professional practitioner’s business blog marketing can have a disproportionately positive effect on results – IF those efforts are kept up. On the other hand, spelling and grammar errors in emails and blog posts will have a negative effect on readers’ perception of your company.

“You’re about to introduce your brother to a new friend. To give him an idea of what that friend might be like, you might say either ‘He’s just like Chris’ or ‘He’s nothing like Chris'”.

A unique selling proposition (USP) is a succinct, memorable message that identifies the unique benefits that are derived from using your product or service as opposed to a competitor’s, business coach Andrew Valley emphasizes.

“A student is to a new topic like a detective is to a case.” “A tree is to a forest like a boat is to an ocean.”

As you set about explaining yourself, your business philosophy, your products and processes , to make the information you’re presenting in blog posts easy for readers to understand by comparing the unfamiliar with the familiar and the timely.

Contrasting characters in books and plays
“One way a writer develops characters is to contrast them so the reader can see their differences”

There’s something of a moral dilemma in content marketing . We want to clarify the ways we stand out from the competition, but “Golden Rule” ethics dictate that we say only those kinds of things about specific competitors that we’d want them saying about us. The solution: accentuate the positive, explaining why you have chosen to do things the way you do,

The Little Fat Notebook is a good reminder to “Speak English” in your content marketing!


Blogs Playing Defense


“Despite a negative perception, Mayor Hogsett insists that downtown is the safest neighborhood in the city, accounting for less than 5 percent of all crime,” Susan Salaz writes in this month’s issue of Indanapolis Monthly, mounting a strong defensive play that serves as a great model for blog content writers.

“Today it is harder than ever to protect your brand,” Clara Doyle admits in, discussing crisis communications. Knowing how to shield your company from mis/disinformation can be challenging. Your audience may lack the ability to critically evaluate media content, and this can negatively impact your brand,” she explains. If you are not prepared to manage fake news, your audience may be likely to believe stories containing misleading information. Your response must be proactive and consistent, Doyle stresses. And, if the information is the result of a mistake you’ve made, be forthright and transparent in dealing with the matter. .

At a time when your brand is under intense scrutiny, you must defend it with facts, advises Latana. Make sure your response:

  1. respects confidentiality
  2. does not contain offensive content
  3. is thoughtful

“In a time rife with polarization and confusion, the world needs true authority more than ever,” observes Lisa Seidenberg in “As a communications director, you have the opportunity to position your firm’s experts to respond,” she urges. Since, at Say It For You, our writing team often function as “communications director” for the clients who hire us to bring their message to online readers, we know the important for mounting a strong defensive “play” in the form of blog content. Precisely because of the consistency with which useful, informative content has been offered over many months and even years, regular blog visitors are inclined to trust the information when it becomes necessary to “play defense”.

Marketing blogs are actually perfect vehicles for defusing not only false news, but ongoing misunderstandings related. Each time you post content (or use a freelance blog content writer to post content), you’re adding to the overall power of the story. The online searchers who found your blog may have concerns and may be incompletely informed, but the very fact they were directed to your blog means they had an interest in your subject and are looking for the very sort of products, services, and information you’re eager to provide!


Writing is Creative. Publishing Blogs is Creative Business

“Writing is creative. Publishing is business,” Aaron Gilbreath says in the October issue of Poets & Writers magazine. There are many ways to write for money, Gilbreath says, including content marketing, copywriting, journalism and technical writing. Reality is, he tells “creative” writers of fiction and poetry, there may be good reasons to write free of charge in order to build a reputation…Gilbreath quotes poet Robert Graves’ quip: “There’s no money in poetry, but then there’s no poetry in money, either.”

While content marketing is on Gilbreath’s list of ways to make money (but excluded from his list of creative writing categories), at Say It For You, we consider creativity an absolute building block for success. But is business blog writing supposed to be creative? Yes, indeed. As points out, any nonfiction writing can be creative if the purpose is to express something, whether it be feelings, thoughts, or emotions. And, while the purpose of technical writing may be to inform and sometimes to trigger the person reading into making an action beneficial to the one of the writer, Idrees Patel admits, concise and magnetic writing is what will draw the reader in.

The question author Malcolm Gladwell gets asked most often just happens to be the same I’m most often asked when offering corporate blogging training sessions: “Where do you get your ideas?” the trick, Gladwell explains, is to “convince yourself that everyone and everything has a story to tell.”

Marketing seems to go in cycles, remarks Morgan Stewart in a Media Post Publications article. “We bounce back and forth between…left-brain marketing focused on analytics and segmentation, and right-brain marketing focused on the creative.”  Both types of marketing are needed, concludes Steward. “Left-brain marketing narrows target audiences. Creative pulls people into your message.  Creative gets people talking.

In offering business blogging help, I emphasize that in business blog writing, it’s crucial to avoid the urge to directly sell a product or service. Instead, the creative challenge, is continually coming up with fresh content to inform, educate, and entertain readers.





The Magic of 3 in Blogging for Business


Humanity has had a love-hate relationship with numbers from the earliest times, Ian Stewart writes in Britannica. Ancient Babylonians used numbers to predict eclipses; priests in ancient Egypt used them to predict the flooding of the Nile. Millions of otherwise rational people are terrified of the number 13. In Jewish culture, 18 represents good luck.

Over my years at Say It For You, I’ve come to consider the number 3 important when it comes to writing blog content.

3 elements of a blog post

  1. pictures and charts (the visual presentation of the blog
  2. the content itself (the facts and figures)
  3. the “voice”, the way the message comes across – first person vs. third-person reporting, humorous or serious, casual or formal

3-minute Shark Tank principle
From the time an entrepreneur is introduced to the time one of the sharks says “I’m out”, it is almost always three minutes, writes Brant Pinvidic in The 3-Minute Rule. If you can’t distill a sales presentation down to three minutes or less, the listeners will begin to make their decision without all the pertinent information. Given the very brief attention span of online readers, the essence of the message needs to come across in 3 seconds!

3-legged stool
In business blog posts I recommend a razor-sharp focus on just one story, one idea, one aspect of a business, a practice, or an organization.  Other aspects can be addressed in later posts. Offer three examples or details supporting the main idea of each post.

3 levels of involvement
While having a clear Call to Action is important in blog marketing, truth is, not every searcher is going to be ready to make a commitment. In your business blog, therefore, It makes sense to offer 3 different levels of involvement (subscribing to the blog, submitting a question, taking a survey, for example), and an ”ultimate decision does not need to be made now

3-pronged strategy
Working Mother magazine is an example of a 3-part plan of attack: Compliment-criticism-course correction. In discussing various “Mon” personality types, writer Katherine Bowers would compliment the “Drama Mama” or “Snowplow Mom”, suggesting ways in which that parenting strategy is great, followed be a critique – where that mothering style is off-track, then offering “course correction” options. Those same 3 prongs could be used in a blog focused on financial management, healthy living, pet care, or fashion.

The rule of 3 in writing
The rule of three is a writing principle that suggests that a trio of events or characters is more humorous, satisfying, or effective than other numbers. The audience of this form of text is also thereby more likely to remember the information conveyed because having three entities combines both brevity and rhythm with having the smallest amount of information to create a pattern.

When it comes to blogging for business, make sure to remember the Rule of 3!


