Should Blog Titles Tell All?

Besides being an absolutely fascinating read, Popular Science Magazine‘s special collector’s edition “Journey to the Future” offers a course in creating interesting titles (a topic of extreme interest, as you may imagine, to any blog content writer).

Of course, when it comes to blogs, the very first piece of information readers are going to receive is the title of the post. We want the searcher to click on the link, and of course we want search engines to offer our content as a match for readers seeking information and guidance on our topic. More than that, though, a blog post title in itself constitutes a set of implied promises to visitors. In essence, you’re saying, “If you click here, you’ll be led to a post that in fact discussing the topic mentioned in the title.

Here are some very straightforward titles from Popular Science Magazine:

  • Quantum Computing: the Future of AI
  • Will Robots Help or Harm? That’s Up to Humans
  • The Future of Transplants
  • Boosting Memory

    In blogs, as we teach at Say It For You, even the tone of the title constitutes a promise of sorts, telling the searcher whether the content is going to be humorous, satirical, controversial, cautionary, or simply informative. Then, for SEO (Search Engine Optimization) purposes, the title needs to contain keyword phrases, which each of these titles does. At the same time, an important purpose of marketing blogs is inducing searchers to read the post, and for that, the title must arouse curiosity and interest.

Curiosity-piquing titles in this Popular Science issue include:

  • Get Ready to Sniff Disease
  • Engineered for Ethics
  • Running on Reckless
  • Eyes on the Earth
  • Re-defining Meat
  • Always on Duty

(Fascinating, curious titles, but you don’t really know what sort of content to expect in the article to come.)

One compromise is what I call the “Huh?-Oh!” two-part title, in which the first part is an attention-getter, with more of an explanation in the second part.

Examples of two-part titles from Popular Science:

  • All Together Now – Human Societies are the Technologies of the Future and Cooperation is the Fuel
  • The Extra-Dimensional Artist – When Visual Art and Augmented reality Merge

One popular misconception I run into as a business blogging trainer is that blog titles need to be what I would call “cutesy”, meaning they must have an enticing “ring” to them that arouses attention. My opinion – Cutesy belongs in baby clothes. Yes, blog post titles need to capture attention, but when readers click on a link, they need to find material that is congruent with what the title promised would be there.


Blogging to Share Your Process



If you do something unknown, unfamiliar, or unexpected, your clients are going to feel their security is in jeopardy, Luke Agree cautions financial advisors. And, no matter how you slice it, Agree adds, that’s not good for business.

Financial advisors who share their process with their clients are able to avoid that risk. Sharing must include not only your value proposition (what makes you different or better than other professionals in your field), but also your process of operating the business and delivering client services.

What are your “habits”? How frequently do you report progress? Do you prefer email, phone calls, texts, or letters? What updates will you be providing and how frequently? How will you provide continuing education – seminar? Podcasts? Newsletters? A blog? How responsive is your office set up to be to inbound inquiries?

In sharing your process, Agree makes clear to his audience of financial advisors, you’re really sharing promises.

Blog marketing is also a matter of making – and keeping – promises, we teach at Say It For You. Over my years as a freelance blog writer, I’ve seen many companies launch a blog marketing strategy with great expectations, but poor implementation. Just as in the world of finance, value is based on a the market’s perception of whether a company is likely to keep its promises about future growth, it is essential for any practitioner, product or service provider to keep promises and deliver predictable and consistent results.

In creating a content marketing plan, I like to begin by challenging the owner of a business or professional practice to answer the following question: “If you had only eight to ten words to describe why you’re passionate about what you sell, what you know, and what you do, what would those words be?” In other words, whether the business owner him or herself is doing the writing, or whether they’re collaborating with a writer, the first steps I creating blog content involve clarifying, and then sharing, the “process” and the promise to follow that process.

Blog to share your process!



Put the Emotion Back in B2B Blog Marketing

Do emotional connections count in business-to-business blog marketing? According to Jeanette Maw McMurtry, you’d better believe they do. When personal values are present in a business choice, the author notes, purchasers are eight times more likely to pay a premium price. Sales trainers talk a lot about SEP (unique selling propositions), but it is our ESPs (entional selling propositions) that make the different, McMurtry cautions.

There are certain “behavior “drivers” marketers need to keep in mind:

  • Authority – Use research reports, statistics, and testimonials to add strength to your message. “Authority” is an important term in blog marketing, as we explain at Say It For You, because Google’s algorithms are sensitive to authority when selecting which content to match with a reader’s search in any given category.
  • Social proof – Who else that they know is using your product or service? There are actually several kinds of proof you can use, including statistics and testimonials.
  • Credentializing proof (degrees, newpaper articles you’ve written or that have been written about you.
  • Reciprocity – Stories of “give-back” to loyal customers and to the community reinforce trust.
  • Scarcity – People flock to own what they believe they may not be able to get later on.

One very powerful emotion is fear, McMurtry reminds marketers. Thought-provoking questions can inspire prospects to think about their problem and about the creative solutions you offer. In fact, the two dominant buying motives are desire for gain and fear of loss, Salesforce teaches, and most salespeople use the wrong one when trying to motivate a prospect to buy.

In blog marketing’s race, as Jeremy Porter Communications teaches, “those who make the most emotionally persuasive argument win.” One question that constantly arises in Say It For You blog content writing training meetings is this: Can emotional blog marketing be effective in B2B situations?

The answer is a resounding “Yes!” – Go full steam ahead in putting the emotion back into BsB marketing!


Blog Away Purported Providers


“Do you know who does most of the estate planning work in our country?” attorney Brian Eagle asked at the start of his professional education lecture series. The startling answer – not legal professionals, but real estate agents and corporate human resource departments.

Since proper and complete estate planning, Eagle teaches, is meant to help organize one’s affairs in such a way as to “give what I have to whom I want, the way I want, and when I want, saving every last tax dollar, professional fee and court cost possible,” merely signing 401(k) beneficiary forms or property purchase agreements is hardly going to get the job done….

One core function of a business blog is explaining to readers what it is you do. As Certified Business Coach Andrew Valley once explained in a 2020 Say It For You guest post, “You must tell the listener how your product or service can benefit that person, and how you can do it better or differently than others who do what you do.”

But what about those many others who think they can offer advice on “what you do”, pushing out content on your topic, but who totally lack experience and training in your field of expertise? Your USP, or Unique Selling Proposition, Valley stresses, must be unique; something competitors cannot claim or have not chosen to emphasize in their promotions. A USP, Valley says, raises your business or practice above the “noise”.

Just as Eagle Wealth Management lists client objectives that can be accomplished only with the guidance of experienced and trained legal professionals, including:

  • control – giving “to whom I want, the way and when I want”
  • tax savings
  •  avoiding court costs
  • privacy
  • conflict avoidance

through your blog, you must make clear to readers how your experience and training benefits prospects and clients in ways that “shortcuts” – and lesser-trained providers – cannot.

“A good way to get more participants is to address and solve their challenges. By first mapping out the challenges your audience faces and then showing what it takes to  truly satisfy and solve these challenges, you will be able to stand out in the crowd of providers,” Eline Hagene writes in

You can leave “purported providers” in the dust when you demonstrate ways in which your clients can achieve “what they want and how they want it”!


Blog Like a Fundraising Round


One of the all-time best pieces of advice for blog content writers that I’ve heard comes from an unlikely source – corporate startup fundraising consultant Kristen Copper, CEO of Startup Ladies. “A round is a cycle of fundraising that clearly defines the amount of money being raised and how it will be used within a defined time,” Cooper explains

It’s important for business owners and freelance blog content writers to remember that the title and the actual blog post content must be congruent, so that readers find the kind of information they’ve been led to expect. It’s all well and good to use keyword phrases in blog titles in order to win online search, but the blog post must deliver on that implied promise, by providing content that is on topic and on target for the search terms.

Blog content writers face a challenge when it comes to clearly defining readers’ expectations. Analytics can offer after-the-fact clues (how long readers remain on the page, who many of them click through to website landing pages, email us, or sign up for an RSS, but it is our job to communicate clearly the extent to which our product or service can be expected to deliver results within a clearly defined time period.

On another note, Cooper mentions the importance of a “lead investor”, a person or group working directly with the founder of a company. The “lead” not only makes a substantial initial investment in the company, but makes introductions and connections, putting their own name behind the fundraising effort. The parallel in blog marketing is testimonials.

Client testimonials can boost credibility in two ways: Customer success stories help prospects decide to do business with you. At the same time, the process of writing or posting the recommendation or even being interviewed for a testimonial reinforces the commitment of the “lead customers” themselves..

In blogging for business, content writers can use the model of a fundraising round, clearly defining expectations and using “lead customers”.
