Your First Job is to Communicate a Beautiful Idea


“Caught up in the difficulty of mystifying, magicians often forget that the first job of any artist is to communicate a beautiful idea,” is a quote from Raymond Joseph Teller in Joshua Jay’s book How Magicians Think. One idea that audiences find irresistibly beautiful is that they are being given access to “secret”, or at least little-known, information. That is precisely the tactic Penn & Teller used in demonstrating the age-old cups and balls trick, but using clear plastic cups, demonstrating that it is the magician’s skill rather than the props that create illusions.

“The idiom ‘inside scoop’ particularly refers to information that is only known to people who are among a select group”, explains. In the book Craved, author Kel Hammond notes that people love behind-the-scenes video footage, which makes people feel like they’re in the know. Showing people a more personal side of who is behind the brand is a powerful marketing tool. In other words, it’s the idea of being empowered with “inside info”, rather than the information itself, the accomplishes the marketing goal.

Researchers at the University of Bath, working with Nielson, came up with two ways to score ads.

  1. Information Power Score – measures what the consumer perceives as the value of the message
  2. Emotive Power Score – measures if the emotion is going to change feelings about the brand

    At Say It For You, our business is blog marketing, which means connecting professional practitioners and business owners with prospective clients and customers. And, while I continually preach and teach that blog posts are not ads, but more like advertorials, establishing connections is the name of the game for both advertisers and content marketers. The first job of content marketing is, in fact, to communicate ideas that online visitors will find “beautiful”, making them feel as if they are part of a well-informed “inside group”.

    Sometimes, the “beauty” of the blog content is that it simplifies and unifies diverse details into central concepts.. Other times the “beauty” lies in linking “conversation-piece” tidbits of information to concepts that help readers better understand complex processes. Caught up in the difficulty of online marketing, let’s remember that the first job of any blog content writer is communicating beautiful ideas.


Letting Them Know You Hear Them


“As you listen to people, let them know that you hear them, value them, and understand them,” Ron Willingham writes in Integrity Selling for the 21st Century. You can offer feedback by nodding approval at key points, giving verbal responses, and through your body language, the author adds.

All well and good for in-person selling, but what about blog marketing? After all, content writers can’t “nod approval” at key points or use body language to cement connection with online searchers. Yet, “the buying process is in the hands of the customer, and marketers must create targeted, personalized experiences for people,” as stresses.

Even in face-to-face selling situations, it may be too easy to assume you know the customer’s needs and then move on to offer them solutions or recommendations, Willingham cautions. The pros must not only be willing to talk to you about a solution, but have a sense of urgency about seeking a solution. Of course, the very fact that searchers found their way to your page indicates their interest in the subject of your blog, but now the content writing challenge is to create those “targeted and personalized experiences”.

At our Say It For You content marketing company, we absolutely agree. Stories of all kinds help personalize a business blog. Even if a professional writer is composing the content, true-story material increases engagement by readers with the business or practice. Case studies are particularly effective in creating interest, because they are relatable and “real”. The content must speak to “our shared experience”. I tell newbie blog writers: “Everything about your blog should be tailor-made for that customer – the words you use, how technical you get, how sophisticated your approach, the title of each blog entry – all of it.” Since we, as ghostwriters, have been hired by clients to tell their story online to their target audiences, we need to do intensive research, taking guidance from the client’s experience and expertise dealing with actual customers.

Online visitors to your blog need to find an experience along with information.  Word tidbits, unique points of view, special how-to tips, links to unusual resources, and humorous touches – all these things make your blog post special. Stories – testimonials, real-life successes and failures, help translate corporate messages into people-to-people terms. Metaphorically, at least, the stories in your blog posts can represent nods of approval and understanding.


Helping Them Pass the Test in Your Blog


One thing we’ve learned over the years at Say It for You is that blog readers tend to be curious creatures.  What’s more, their curiosity factor is highest when they are learning about themselves.  As blog content writers, we’ve noticed that “self-tests” tend to engage readers and help them relate in a more personal way to the information presented in a marketing blog. Popular magazine editors appear to agree as well, because current issues are full of tests, games, and quizzes.

A recent four-page article by Kimberly Lankford in the AARP Magazine titled “Can You Pass the Penny-Pincher Test?” is a superb example of how content writers can engage readers using the format of Q & A. After revealing the best answer for each of five thought-provoking multiple-choice questions, the author offers a paragraph or two of useful explanation.

Example: What’s the easiest way to stop yourself from making impulse buys? Answer choices: A) Freeze your credit cards in a block of ice. B) Don’t go online or visit shopping malls. C) Tape a gallery of your unfortunate purchases to your refrigerator door. D) Put appealing purchases on a wish list first.

Answer: D. Put items you think you want on a wish list, then make a final decision a few days later. (The author goes on to explain that turning a one-stage purchase into a two-stage purchase forces a person to use a different decision-making strategy. When you return to a list later, you start considering minuses along with the pluses of that purchase.

In the course of offering these explanations, the author cites various studies and offers quotes from financial planning and psychology experts. Because of the clever test format, which includes a “Give yourself a grade” section, the content comes across as fun.

Quizzes provide effective ways for you to encourage readers to interact with your site, Lyn Wildwood of explains. There are personality quizzes, trivia quizzes, and “how-well-do-you-know” subject quizzes. However, “running an online quiz is not easy feat,” Wildwood cautions. “It requires a keen understanding of your audience.”


Letting the ideas Do the Work in Your Blog

“By the end of three minutes, your audience will already be leaning yes or no on your proposal”, Brant Pinvidic writes in The 3-minute Rule. You know your product, service, or company is amazing, but they don’t know how it works or why it’s so great. You need to give them more knowledge in less time, the author explains, not selling, but letting the ideas do the work. 

Given the concern today about the rising price of oil, I was particularly taken by the story Pinvidic shares about an oil company executive. (This was taking place back when oil prices were one quarter what they are now.) Pindivic was coaching the presenter, whose goal was to show investors that his company, unlike others, had found a way to keep drilling even if oil were to fall to $32 a barrel (the price was $40 at the time) The problem – it was only after 17 minutes of presenting (by which time the audience had fallen asleep) that the speaker explained how his company could keep drilling at $32 a barrel of oil..

The revised presentation began with the most important idea, the essence of the proposal: Our company can keep drilling profitably even if crude prices drop below $32 a barrel. Next came the “why” and the “how”: We have clear leases on proven wells with ample reserves. The valley location gives takers quick access to major highways to the Port of Houston. The new presentation ended with perspective and context: Our competitors must stop production below $37 a barrel.

In a nutshell, Brant Pinvidic is urging marketers to stop selling and to let the ideas do the work: “Don’t state and prove. Inform and lead.”

At Say It For You, I often refer to blogs as the sound bites of the Internet. In short segments, business owners convey to readers the essence of their accomplishments. Corporate blog writing, I explain, isn’t advertising, Blog content writing means telling readers about the essence of your special knowledge, insights, and beliefs, as well as about the products or services you offer. However, just as Pindivic stresses, the most important idea (and there should be just one core “thesis” for each blog post) needs to reassure readers they’ve come to the right place for the solution to their problem or the answer to their question.

While your topic may have little to do with oilfields, your audience needs your help “drilling down” – and quickly – to the essence of what you know, what you do, and how you can be of benefit to them. Stop selling and let the ideas do the work!



Blog Listicles Must Appeal to Readers’ Immediate Interests



They’re both “listicles”, but, for me as a blog content writer, there’s an interesting difference:

  • 7 Things You Should Know About Virginia Woolf’s ‘To the Lighthouse’
  • 10 Things You Might Not Know About Mother’s Day

Yes, I was an English major in college, so of course I’d studied the book To the Lighthouse. That was a long time ago, though, and today I just didn’t feel as if I needed to know more things about the novel. Mother’s Day, on the other hand was something happening right now. So, while I agree that listicles really “work, as points out, they must appeal to searchers’ immediate interests.

“Don’t get even – get odd!” is one piece of advice the insightsyesadagency offers, recommending odd-numbered lists over even-numbered ones. In general, listicles are popular because they require minimal effort on the part of readers, conveying authority and appealing to our desire for organization.

Listicles should offer creativity and originality, while still touching on the key points that drive traffic,” advises, adding that .”the type of content in listicles should fit the target audience.” At Say It For You, we couldn’t agree more with that last statement. Everything about your blog should be tailor-made for that customer – the words you use, how technical you get, how sophisticated your approach, the title of each blog entry – all of it, I tell newbie blog content writers, and listicles are no exception to that basic content planning rule.

Career coaches suggest that using numbers may be one of the most underutilized strategies in cover letter writing. Numbers are a great way to be specific about your accomplishments, demonstrating that you pay attention to benchmarks and concentrate on setting and meeting goals. As a blog content writer and trainer, I stress that numbers can be used in business blogs to “build belief”. For example, statistics can demonstrate the extent of a problem your product or service helps solve.

Using numbers in blog post titles is a great way to both attract attention and to set expectations for a post. Words on the other hand, are used to put lists and statistics into perspective, so that readers are given the answer to the “So what?” and “So, what’s in-it-for-me” questions. Just why do I need to know 7 things about Virginia Woolf’s novel just now? Mother’s Day, in contrast, is something to be dealt with this very month.

Listicles must appeal to readers’ immediate interests.

