Getting “On the Air” with Business Blog Post Writing

Radio carRadio commercials have a lot to tell us about blog content writing, I find. That’s why all three of this week’s Say It For You posts are based around drive-time commercials I heard recently.

The “Men’s Health Minute” on WIBC, for example, is itself a sort of blog. One spot is about colon health, another about prostate health, a third about sleep health. There are episodes about skin and about stress.  They’re all short (one minute), they’re all informative, and they all relate to the same recurring “leitmotif” of men’s health, and all are “brought to you” by Community Westview Hospital.

Leitmotif means “leading theme” in German.  In music, “the leitmotif is heard whenever the composer wants the idea of a certain character, place, or concept to come across,” explains Chloe Rhodes in A Certain “Je Ne Sais Quoi”.

Effective business blog posts are centered around key themes, too, just like the recurring musical phrases that connect the different movements of a symphony.  As you continue to write about your industry, your products, and your services, you’ll naturally find yourself repeating some key ideas, adding more detail, opinion, and story around each.

The second big positive about the Community Westview WIBC ads is that they’re not ads; they are informational rather than sales-ey, hitting precisely the note that business owners, practitioners should be aiming for.

Using business blogs to offer readers valuable information is the best way to attract and retain readers. Online searchers arrive at our business blogs needing to know how to find products and services, how to do something, how to solve very specific problems. Providing value before any “ask” takes place makes for smart radio commercials – and smart business blog content writing!

Get your business blog content writing “on the air” with online searchers!

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