Use Titles to Accentuate the Point, Not Make It



This week’s Say It For You blog posts feature more helpful advice based on Brant Pinvidic’s powerful little book The 3-Minute Rule….

You need bullet points to accentuate the point, not make it for you, observes TV producer and sales coach Brant Pinvidic. You don’t need full sentences, either, he says – the slides function as “Post-it” notes. Even Robert Gaskins, co-creator of Power Point itself, says the technology was never intended for show an entire proposal, just a quick summary.

From a blog marketing point of view, there are several similarities between blog titles and individual bullet points in a Power Point presentation. Titles matter a lot in blogs for search: key words and phrases help search engines make the match between online searchers’ needs and what your business or practice has to offer. Equally important, once your post has been “served up” by the search engine, the reader needs to be encouraged to click on the link in order to read the content. True to Pindivic’s advice, if the title gives away too much of the content, readers wouldn’t need to progress to the content itself!

In terms of using bullet points in blog posts themselves, it seems content writers either love or absolutely abhor those little dots. From what I’ve been told, search engines like bullet points – a lot. Myself, I like bulleting for breaking down complicated information into digestible form. I try to follow the Reuters Handbook of Journalism guidelines for using bullet points, using no fewer than two and no more than five at a time, and keeping them in active voice and present tense.

Going back to blog titles, in a very real sense, a blog post title represents a promise. Of course, since business blogs should resemble advertorials more than ads, the title is “promising” the reader a benefit in exchange for progressing to the next step. If you click on this title ( the implication is), it will lead to you obtaining some desirable result – more savings, more actionable knowledge more confidence, more beauty, more health, more job security, more safety more peer approval, more wealth…..Alternately, the implied promise might relate to reducing an undesirable effect – pain illness, hassle, dirt, risk, fear, harassment, debt….

The skill, of course, lies in Brant Pinvidic’s caution to do all that in a title that somehow manages to accentuate the point without serving it up – prematurely – with all the trimmings.

To me, one aspect of blog marketing is that blogs – beginning with their titles – have to convey a feeling of getting closer to the actual human beings running the business or practice, closer than the feeling readers might get from brochures, billboards, or even websites. If the blog post title can somehow accentuate that concept – it will be a winner.



Blogs to Inform and Lead

This week’s Say It For You blog posts are based on Brant Pinvidic’s powerful little book The 3-Minute Rule….

The A part of a WHAC presentation (Are you sure?) has a very important job to do – answering the questions that are on readers’ minds about the validity of your claims, Brant Pinvidic teaches. In keeping with my own idea of spreading content over a series of blog posts, rather than presenting your entire “case” in one long piece, I appreciated the list of questions Pinvidic says he often uses to help ramp up the thinking process in planning a presentation.

Each one of these questions relating to the A can serve as the inspiration for an individual blog post:

  • What have you said that someone might not believe?
  • Has a third party verified your claim?
  • How do you know there’s a need for this?
  • How have people succeeded in this before?
  • When and how did you realize you were on to something?
  • Why is this not “too good to be true”?
  • Why can’t your competition do this better?

One particularly fascinating piece of selling advice offered in this book is this – “Don’t open with the hook”. Many sales books and coaches teach that the hook is precisely what you open with, Pindivic says. (In terms of blog content, many believe the hook should be in the title.) This is called, Pinvidic explains, the state-and-prove method – you get someone to desire the outcome, then convince them your statement is true. What you want to do instead, he suggests, is start with the facts, allowing the audience to reach the conclusion that this is a good deal and form the “hook” for themselves rather than trying to poke holes in your assertions. Rather than state-and-prove, the author teaches, use the inform-and-lead approach.

At Say It for You, when our Indiana freelance blog content writers are sitting down with business owners or professional practitioners who are preparing to launch a blog, one important step in that launch is to select 1-5 recurring themes that will appear and reappear over time in their blog posts. The themes may be reflected in the keyword phrases they use to help with search engine optimization. Individual posts can focus on just one aspect of a theme (which might center around one of those questions under the A category of their WHAC).

Looked at in isolation, each blog post is designed to have one central focus. Yet, as blog content writing continues over weeks, months, and years, there will be a cumulative inform-and lead effect. And, yes, you can be sure of that.


Blogs That Go WHAC

Write less,” advises Seth Godin in the preface to his book The Dip. Now Brant Pindvidic, in his book The 3-Minute Rule, tells us to “say less to get more from any pitch or presentation”.

At Say It For You, I teach the principle of “reading around”, emphasizing the point that business bloggers are going to need to spend at least as much time reading as writing. Even after almost a decade and a half creating blog content for business owners and practitioners, I feel the need to keep up on what others are saying on the topic, what’s in the news, and what problems and questions have been surfacing that relate to what my clients offer. But now, both these business authors are making the case for less, not more, when it comes to sales pitches, speeches, and blog posts.

It seems this “reading around” habit of mine has presented me with a dilemma: Godin’s and Pinvidic’s advice to write and say less seems to fly in the face of the latest trend towards long-form blog posts with a word count numbering in the thousands.

Brant Pinvidic’s advice is based on the science of approach motivation. “Every time you make a pitch, presentation, or proposal to try to influence anyone to do anything, your audience’s first impression will be fully formed in less than three minutes”. And it’s not that we’re all dumbed-down, he says, but that people today focus more intensely and efficiently, he explains. The WHAC outline helps organize the key information you need to impart – and dictates the order in which you present that information:

W – What is it? (What is your offer?)
H – How does it work?) work? (Why are the elements of your offer and why are they valuable or
A– Are you sure? (This is a fact or figure that backs up your information and establishes
C – Can you do it? (Your ability to execute and deliver.

In the first two stages, the W and the H, the audience will conceptualize. In the A stage, they will contextualize, judging whether your offer is true real, and right. In the C stage, the audience will be asking whether this could actually happen in the way being described.

Transferring this model to the arena of blog marketing, I’d suggest that the WHAC sequence could be employed over a series of blog posts rather than using it all in one. One concept I emphasize in corporate blogging training sessions is that blog posts can stay smaller and lighter in scale than the more permanent content on the corporate website or the content in white papers. What helps the separate posts fit together into an ongoing business blog marketing strategy are the blog “leitmotifs” or themes.

Whether Godin’s “Write less” advice is suited for us blog content writers remains a matter of debate. On the other hand, “Read more” continues to be a requirement for imparting bog posts with WHAC!


In Blog Marketing, Write Less??


“This book is really short,” writes Seth Godin in the acknowledgments section of The Dip. This is something he’s learned from his readers, he says – Write less. “Seth Godin,” the book jacket explains, is one of the most popular business bloggers in the world. “While Godin doesn’t claim to have all the answers, he will teach you to ask the right questions”.

So, from a blog content standpoint, is “writing less” a good idea? Maybe not, according to these three sources, writes Jasmine Gordon of

  • Medium – The ideal length of a blog post is seven minutes or 1,600 words.
  • SERPIQ – Top three Google results are between 2,350 and 2,500 words.
  • Neil Patel – Posts of at least 1,500 words earn the best SEO and social sharing results.

On the other hand, Gordon points out:

  • Data from Write Practice indicates that posts of 275 words are best for eliciting comments.
  • While visual media is not technically part of the word count, it’s an aspect of length,, because it takes time to consume.
  • Some topics don’t need 3,000 words to be covered adequately.
  • If you’re blogging multiple times a week, you can afford shorter, engagement-driven posts.

At Say It For You, we tend to agree with the checklist Jasmine Gordon offers. We blog content writers will know we’re done with a particular post IF:

  1. we’ve covered the topic in depth
  2. we’ve offered more value than the competition
  3. we’ve incorporated high-quality visuals
  4. we’ve verified our research and facts

What’s more, Gordon says, if your name is Seth Godin (to whose book, The Dip, I referred in Tuesday’s blog post), all bets are off (Godin’s posts, God bless him, are often 75-500 words long).

“Opinions have always differed on the optimal size for a blog post,” I wrote just a little over a year ago. Having composed blog posts (as both a Say It For You ghost writer and under my own name) now numbering well into the tens of thousands, I’m still finding it difficult to decide on the best length for each post.

From Chip and Dan Heath’s book The Power of Moments, I learned about a phenomenon called “duration neglect”. The basic concept is that when people assess an experience, they tend to forget or ignore its length, rating it based on the best or worst moment in that experience. I suspect that principle holds true when readers are experiencing a blog post. They are going to remember only two things – the best part and the ending.

The long-form/short-form debate will no doubt continue for decades to come, but my own instinct is to stick to a central idea for each blog post, then “say it until it’s said”. Along the “write less” theme, Seth Godin once offered a piece on the length of business meetings, in which he observed “Understand that not all problems are the same, so why are your meetings?”


In Blog Marketing, It’s Not Okay to Quit


“It’s okay to quit sometimes,” observes Seth Godin in his book the Dip, and, he assures readers, quitters do win. But quitting doesn’t mean giving up and abandoning your long-term strategy, only quitting the tactics that aren’t working. In fact, Godin admits, most people do quit. Problem is, he observes, they don’t quit successfully or at the right time.

Blogging is a perfect example, I realized, reviewing this powerful little book, of a long-term strategy that is too often abandoned due to short-term discouragement. The strategy itself is well-proven and documented, and many business owners and professional practitioners embark on blog marketing in recognition of its power to generate interest in their products and services. It’s the tactics, the week-after-week work of creating new, relevant, interesting, and results-producing…blog posts. Those abandoned blogs belong to those who don’t recognize what Seth Godin describes as the “extraordinary benefits that accrue to the tiny minority of people who are able to push just a tiny bit longer than most”.

It’s not that blog marketing is an unproven strategy…

“Content is still king, and it is the fresh, customized, customer-centric content that gets the attention. Those that create more of it will certainly see positive returns for their efforts. Content marketing generates at least three times more leads than conventional marketing techniques,” says People love engaging with businesses in particular, and they tend to look positively on a company that releases custom content…Over the long run, you can expect 87% more inbound links, compared to companies who don’t blog at all.”

“Know for a fact that Google and other search engines tend to give more weight and SEO boosts to websites that update their content regularly over those that aren’t so frequent. “ BlogPanda explains. “The more you blog regularly about your product, business or industry, the more it increases your search keywords which further helps your website rank better for those keywords on Google and other search engines.”

Amazing, but true: In the face of all these compelling reports demonstrating the value of blog marketing, Caslon Analytics tells us that most blogs are abandoned soon after creation (with 60% to 80% abandoned within one month!, 1.09 million blogs were one-day wonders, with no postings on subsequent days. The average blog, Caslon remarks ruefully, “has the lifespan of a fruitfly”. No lack of starts, though: reports that there are over 1.7 billion websites on the internet today, and more than 600 million of those have blogs.

“A blog usually starts with a bang,” observes Antonio Canciano of Then life gets in the way, postnig becomes less frequent and ore sporadic until the blogger pretty much gives up on their site entirely. That’s the usual path to blog despair, Canciano says. However, blogging is a river, not a lake, he cautions, and the constant stream of new content is what gives blogging its edge over other forms of content publishing.

Sure, it may be okay to quite sometimes, as Seth Godin observes, but not if you’re after those extraordinary benefits that accrue to the tiny minority of people who are able to keep posting blogs!.


