Blogging to Pitch, Query, and Propose


Reading Amy Jones’ fascinating article “Pitch vs. Query vs. Proposal” in Writer’s Digest reminded me of the sales function of blog marketing. Just as writers need to capture the attention of editors, we aim to convert our clients’ website visitors into buyers. Not to strain a synonym or wax overly philosophical, book writers need to first capture the attention and interest of the editors, with the ultimate goal to reach readers. To capture the attention of potential buyers, business owners and professional practitioners need to capture the attention of an appropriate segment of web surfers, going through the “filter” of a search engine. ….

But, do blog posts lead to purchases? Pamela Bump of Hubspot cites the firm’s 2021 executive Marketing Leadership Survey: Asked “Have you ever purchased something from a company after reading a blog post from them?”, 56% sais “Yes”; 20% of marketing leaders described blogs as “one of their most important channels for hitting goals.

the Pitch
In the pitch, Jones advises writers, tell the editor or publisher why you are the best person to write about a particular topic for of that publication. In other words, show at you and that publication would be a good match. The parallel in blog marketing? Make it easy for search engines to understand what you do, and where you fit. No, Pat Ahern of, says, people searching the web aren’t ready to pull out their wallets, but answering a question of our target audience can be the first step in them checking out our blog.

the Query
A query, Jones goes on to tell writers, say, takes the form of a letter to an agent or editor accompanied by a sample or excerpt from the novel or article. “If you’re a plumber, remind readers when and how to winterize,” Marc Prosser of SCORE advises business owners. In other words, establish your authority in your field. By sharing your expertise, you’re building customer loyalty and demonstrating a “match” with common search terms.

the Proposal
Having stimulated some show of initial interest in your article or book, Jones now tells writers, you are ready to create an actual proposal, detailing the “product”, showing evidence of need for need for a new approach to the topic, and some actual “specs” of your manuscript. Blog content writers can share valuable information about both the features and benefits of their products and services, adding testimonials from former and existing clients.

Blog to pitch, query, and propose!


Great Attributes of Great Financial Advisors and Great Blog Posts



Business blog content writers, I couldn’t help thinking, would do well to focus on developing those great attributes that believes are signs of great financial advisors.

Purposeful – they have a clear mission to serve clients and help them reach their goals.
Particularly in the opening lines of a business blog post, it’s important to be purposeful, leaving no doubt in searchers’ minds that they’ve come to the right place to find the information, products, and services they need.

Authentic – they reveal their true selves to clients.
Use emotional content to evoke feelings that drive people to share and to act. Reveal your own cherished beliefs, creating a feeling in your audience of being connected with you and the people in your business or practice.

Empathetic – they know they cannot effectively serve clients without genuinely relating to them.
Researchers at the University of Bath created a measurement for ads called the Emotive Power Score to gauge if the ad is going to change feelings about the brand. Readers of bogs seeking iformation to support their hobbies, interests, and beliefs will seek “empathetic” content.

Intellectually curious – they continue to learn and to search for solutions, are open to new ideas and committed to honing their own knowledge and skills.
How can we ghost bloggers write for business owners and professional clients without being trained in those fields ourselves? The answer is constant curiosity and learning.
As content writers, we offer our clients’ blog visitors a more personal and even a more analytical perspective on the information they might find on the company website.  Often, precisely because we’re industry “outsiders”, learners, we are actually better able to approach the subject in ways online searchers will understand.

Use questions to better understand needs before suggesting action.
While in a blog post, you’re often providing answers to questions that your potential customer might ask, the very fact that it’s in the form of a question allows readers to feel you’re helping them form them form their own opinions.

Honest – set reasonable expectations about outcomes.
Blogging honestly about your business’ capabilities and “incapabilities” helps set reasonable expectations tha prospects appreciate.

Disciplined – they don’t let media messages or market swings drive impulsive actions.
Drill sergeant discipline is required for content marketing, with web rankings are based at least partially on frequency of posting new content.  And, while successful marketing blog content writers don’t aim for “trendy”, they can tie blog content to current events.

Great attributes of great business leaders make for really great business blog posts!





Blogging Starts and Grows Because of Trust


“In business, we need our customers and potential customers to trust us….otherwise they simply won’t want to invest time and resources into us and our business,” Safarz Ali writes in the Business Influencer. How do you prove that you are trustworthy? Ali suggests the biggest three ways:

1. Show, don’t tell. Live up to your promises and use client case studies to prove it.
At Say it for You, we emphasize that case studies chronicle a customer or client who had a problem or need, taking readers through the various stages of using the product or service to solve that problem.

2. Practice honest communication, brushing no issues under the rug.
Problems with customer service are going to arise, but those very situations offer you an opportunity to shine by making things right. Empower Then use writing for business as one excellent vehicle to tell about your own mistakes and the way you offer outstanding customer service by making things right.

3. Prove you know your customers.
Your blog can’t be all things to all people, any more than your business can be all things to everybody.  The blog must be targeted towards the specific type of customers you want and who will want to do business with you.  Everything about your blog should be tailor-made for that customer  – the words you use, how technical you get and how sophisticated your approach..

The top five best communication traits of a successful leader, Rebecca Weintraub and Stan Lowes think, are these:

1. walking the talk
The typical online searcher is leery of hype and unrealistic claims, and honesty in content writing has power.

2. authenticity (understand yourself first)
To demonstrate that you’re unique, you need to explain what you care about and what it’s like to work with you.

3. embracing a communication culture
Use your blog to demonstrate your full engagement and concern for your customer’s welfare, and allow real-time feedback from your target audience.

4. storytelling
You have to have a point, conveying the reason you’re sharing the story.

5. listening
When I’m ghost-blogging for a business, I need to keep up on what others are saying on the topic, on what’s in the news, and about what problems and questions have been surfacing that relate to what my client sells and what it does for its clients.

Blogging starts and grows because of trust!


Elevate Your Word Game in Blogging for Business

“I learned the hard way that my marriage was on the edge of collapse – again” and “The Bitter Truths I learned About My Eating Disorder – After Being Pregnant” are both decent titles for a pitch, says Estelle Erasmus, who, in Writer’s Digest this month, teaches writers tactics for capturing the attention of an editor. (The expression “the bitter truths” is quite cliché, Erasmus noted, but having an eating disorder rear its head during pregnancy is different enough to catch attention. She suggested changing the title to “Getting Pregnant Spiraled Me Into an Eating Disorder”.)

Tips offered by Erasmus that are remarkably relevant for business blog content creators include:

Clarity is key, more important than beautiful language.
Titles represent crucial elements in capturing the interest of both search engines and online searchers. But, aside from Search Engine Optimization considerations, the title of a blog post constitutes a set of implied promises to visitors that if they choose to click on the title, it will lead them to a blog post with information on the topic named in that title.

Find the emotional implication behind what you’re writing about. There has to be a transformation that takes place, one to which readers can relate.
In blog marketing, those who make the most emotionally persuasive argument win. The goal is to create a connection with your audience that makes them receptive to your message.

Active verbs work best, helping to paint a picture for readers.
The very purpose of the blog content is to showcase the accomplishments of the business and products and services it brings to customers. That’s why using the active voice makes so much sense in corporate blog writing.

Focus on a small moment in time, not a a broad all-encompassing saga.
At Say It For You, we firmly believe in the Power of One, which means one message per post, with a razor-sharp focus on just one story, one idea, one aspect of your business, geared towards one narrowly defined target audience.

Elevate your word game, learning to think in sound bites by watching TV with the captions on.
Blogs, unlike brochures, client newsletters, online magazines, and websites, are short and concise, more casual and conversational than other marketing pieces.  That’s what makes it so feasible to use blogs to achieve the frequency that’s needed to win online search engine rankings.


Valentine’s Day Inspires Loving Blog Content

Valentine’s Day offers the perfect opportunity for business owners or practitioners to show the love by offering a customer appreciation giveaway, Seray Kesin advises in her blog. takes a different approach – “it’s all about the self love”. Rather than asking buyers to spoil their Valentine, the company reframes the day into one of self-love. Estee lauder uses free shipping to upsell during Valentine’s day, Kesin notes. Of course, she adds, certain kinds of products and services lend themselves to a Valentine theme; others require extra creativity, and Kesin cites a few examples::

  • an herb garden (“There’s hardly anything as satisfying as foraging for your own food and fixing a meal for two together….”
  • a heart-shaped package of meats from Man Crate
  • (Gal)entine’s Day, where ladies celebrate ladies offers some industry-specific Valentine’s Day promotional ideas:

  • Fitness centers can host a special class for couples.
  • Masseurs can run a couples massage class.
  • Restaurants can run a couples cooking class and add heart-shaped items to their menu.
  • Photographs can do half price quick sessions for couples.
  • Service-based business can offer deals for showing love to your carpet/ computer/car.
  • Panera took things to the extreme, offering to cater a wedding for couples who got engaged at one of their restaurants.
  • Meeting venues can host a free singles event.

    Valentine’s Day is the perfect time to send out a message that lets your existing customers know that: You appreciate their business. You wouldn’t have a business if it weren’t for them, Copyblogger’s Sonia Simons suggests. “Go on a bit of a rant about why you do what you do. Make it personal, and make it your own. It doesn’t need to be long or complex, but it should be from the heart,” she advises. Simons isn’t crazy about the idea of offering discounts (that can put you into the “bargain” category, when where you really want to be is the “valuable” category).
