Evel Meets Good Rapper-Blogger Kanye West

Blogs are all about attracting attention and traffic, and when it comes to attracting attention, hip-hop star Kanye West’s a real master. Last summer, I posted a blog called Say It For You, Kanye West? after Sandra Rose claimed Kanye uses a ghost blogger.   Last week, I blogged about a new controversy (see Do Kanye West’s Blog Ties Tell The Truth?) accusing Kanye of using content and videos from other blogs without properly crediting the sources.

One older news item about Kanye seemed to consist of a happy ending to an even older controversy.  A couple of years ago, now-deceased daredevil Evel Kneivel sued Kanye West, claiming the rapper had copied the Kneivel signature look by wearing a red, white, and blue jumpsuit with an EK belt buckle for the song “Touch The Sky” in a West video album. Evel and Kanye were able to settle that trademark lawsuit through mediation.

There are several important blogging-related lessons to be gleaned here, I think.  First, as I stressed in “Ties That Tell The Truth In Blogging”, people come to blogs to find information.  Searchers need to be able to trust in that information, and, by inference, trust you.  So even if you’re putting your own spin on what you offer in your blog, the fairest thing to do is attribute any material or ideas you got from other writers or bloggers to those sources, either by quoting them directly or by inserting links in your blog to other websites.

The most important lesson about all these hip-hop star controversies, for me, has to do with the way Evel Kneivel came to change his mind about Kanye West.  In the course of the lawsuit, Kneivel had claimed that Kanye was “promoting his filth to the world”. According to USA Today.com , Kneivel was saying that, once he actually met West in person, he changed his mind about him.  “I thought he was a wonderful guy and quite a gentleman.”

Always keep in mind that blogs are more casual and conversational than other marketing pieces, and they are truly a mechanism for your readers to “meet” the real you.  Your blog is the place for you to convey your passion for your own business or area of professional expertise.  And passion, as blogging maven Ted Demopoulos is fond of saying, “is very effective for profit.”

I often reassure my business owner ghost-blogging clients that they needn’t fear critical comments that might be posted on their blogs, since even negative comments help blog rankings.  Nonetheless, after following Kanye West stories for almost a year now, I found the Evel-meets-good-Kanye tale quite refreshing.



The Two-Letter Word That Makes Magic For Blogs

My friend Bill Stanley sends interesting emails to all of us members of the Scientech group.  His latest was about nuances of our English language, in particular the word "up".  "Up" seems to have a greater number of meanings than any other two-letter word, and a greater number of functions as well – the dictionary lists it as an adverb, a preposition, an adjective, a noun, and a verb!

Without repeating Bill Stanley’s entire message, I’ll share some highlights.  Bill asks us why, at meetings, topics come UP, why we speak UP and write UP reports, and why officers are UP for election. The email ends with Bill challenging all of us, if we are UP to the task, to build UP a list of the many ways UP is used.  It might take UP a lot of our time, he explains, but if we don’t give UP, we can come UP with a hundred or more examples for our list.

Well, as a ghost blogger for business, Mr. Stanley, I can tell you I’m always thinking UP ways to help my clients’ blogs get picked UP by Internet search engines such as Google, Yahoo, or MSN.  That helps move those blogs UP in ranking so they will (my hopes are UP!) show UP on Page One.  When a corporate blog is launched, we don’t expect it to move UP immediately in ranking, but if we keep UP with our posting of blog content which is UP to date and relevant, it will stir UP interest among online searchers , who will then show UP at the blog, end UP at the business’ website, and wind UP doing business!

For business owners considering how to beef UP their online marketing efforts, there’s nothing to be mixed UP about.  Don’t give UP on blogging, and keep picturing revenues moving in no direction but UP!  



Blogging About WIndex Might Cure Baldness!

Sometimes marketing’s not about what’s it’s about, you know what I mean? We all saw an example of how that works when the surprise hit movie, "My Big Fat Greek Wedding" made a star out of Windex Glass Cleaner®.

In the low-budget comedy film, Mr. Portokalos, the Greek family patriarch, uses Windex to cure everything from acne to baldness. When "Wedding" turned out to be one of the most profitable films of all time, it made a star out of actress Nia Vardalos, and, as an "aside", resulted in a 23% increase in sales for SC Johnson’s product  WIndex!

Business owners, just think about that one for a moment.  The blue bottle of glass cleaner appears seven times in the film, for a total of less than 30 seconds.  The four additional mentions of the product in dialogue makes a total Windex exposure of less than one minute out of the movie’s 95-minute run. That’s been one momentous minute, I tell you! Brand marketing experts estimate that well over one hundred forty four million people have been exposed to the miracle Windex cure.

There are so many parallels here to corporate marketing through blogging, I hardly know where to begin. First, box office results for "My Big Fat Greek Wedding" followed a pattern reminiscent of blog marketing.  The movie attracted a mall audience and earned only $822,000 in its first week of release in April 2002.  But, says Igor Muravyow of ePROPSHOP, Inc., "the praise of movie patrons resulted in the film’s gradual spread from city to city, and….this sleeper became…the highest-grossing independent film ever." The blogosphere is the ultimate word-of-mouth arena, but business owners who expect their corporate blog to generate overnight business success will be disappointed. 

Back in November, I advised including unusual combinations of things in your blog to offer readers a new way of looking at your topic and showcasing your expertise (See Get Tammy Dancing With Elvis In Your Blog). The "Big Fat – Windex" connection, in my view, succeeded because it was so outrageously unexpected. Even so, my professional ghost blogger instinct tells me, the association with the movie wouldn’t have done nearly so much for the Windex bottom line had there been one minute-long mention of the product in the film. The effectiveness came from the eleven short, repeated exposures to the blue bottle.  This is exactly the way blogging works to attract attention on the Internet. Consistent, repeated, short blogs satisfy two crucial search engine criteria: frequency and recency of posting your blog.

If you’ve got psoriasis or acne, or you’d love a thicker head of hair, I really don’t know if either blogging or Windex can help.  What I do know is that in today’s economy, the most cost-effective way to get the word out about your product or service, to exactly the audience you’re targeting, is to incorporate blogging into your online marketing strategy.



Do Kanye West’s Blog Ties Tell The Truth?

Hip-hop star Kanye West’s making blogging headlines – again.  Last summer, I was just one among hundreds of bloggers with stuff to say about Sandra Rose’s claim that Kanye uses a ghost blogger.  A professional ghost blogger myself, I understood Rose’s question ("How the h— does Kanye have time to update his blog so often?") only too well, because most business owners I meet don’t have time to keep up with blogging. As I explained (see Does Kaye West’s Ghost Blogger Say It For Him?) in my blog, that’s exactly why the demand for ghost bloggers is growing.

By my lights, Sandra Rose’s latest accusation is a lot more serious. "Is Kanye West A Ghost Jacker?", she says in her own blog, claiming the singer uses content and graphics from other blogs without crediting the source or linking to the source.

No hip-hop fan myself, I have no inkling whether there’s even a grain of truth in any claim of plagiarism on the part of Kanye West. In an earlier blog, Ties That Tell The Truth In Blogging, I stress the important of attributing content to its rightful owners, explaining that search engines actually reward this citing of sources through linking and back-tracking because it creates online "traffic" to and from sites.  So, even if you’re convinced you’ve added your own unique twist on material, you can link to the websites that gave you the original idea or that have other things to say on the subject.

As I’ve pointed out before when discussing comments posted to blogs, even critical comments help blog rankings.  Whatever Sandra Rose may think about the quality or the honesty of Kanye West’s blogs, there’s no doubt she’s done much to enhance Kanye’s search engine rankings by keeping all the controversial conversation about him alive!



For Business Blogging, This Space For Free

The inside back cover of a magazine I read caught my attention – a plain white page with four large-type words in the middle:

Small print on the page’s bottom corner explains the magazine is looking for an advertiser.  What if you saw pages and pages of space, with these four words:


You do see that.  Every single day.   On the Internet. No fooling.

According to Chris Baggott, CEO of Compendium Blogware, “Consumer spending might be slowing, but Internet search is alive and well”.  Pay-per-click advertising “rents” marketing space to businesses for advertising.  But there’s far, far more room online sporting “Space For Free” signs available for posting corporate blogs.  In the time it’s taken you to read this far into my blog, hundreds of thousands of new blog posts have been introduced into the blogosphere, some of them by your competitors..

Comprehensive research developed by Universal McCann shows 73% of online users read blogs; 39% request a subscription, or RSS feed to blogs.

It’s never too late, but it’s definitely time –  for you to get a blog started to grow your business.  The blogosphere is very big, and the space itself is free.  The people you want to reach are there.  Statistics from the Pew Internet Project tell us that search for information on the Internet is outstripping search for news and weather information and even surpassing email. 

Everybody’s there on the Internet, it appears.  Is your company’s blog there, ready to be found by all your customers and clients-to-be?

Got space?

