How Short Will This Blog Take?

"Creativity is a process", explainsVicky Earley of Artichoke Design, "and you need to give it the time necessary." Custom design, by definition, is created to the specifications of the project on hand, she adds, so that "How long will this take?" is the wrong question to ask.  Creativity often "meanders, considers, ponders, and only then delivers".

ProBogger says something on the same order about the process of delivering well-written blogs.  Researching and composing an excellent blog post for a business "can use up the better part of a day".  Having been a writer for more than thirty years, with two years of blogging and blog-ghostwriting under my belt, I can attest to the truth of that statement about the time effort that go into customized blog posts.

Some of the "meandering" Vicky Earley mentions in describing the creative process in design takes the form, in business blogging, of reading, including web-surfing to read what other writers are saying and what the latest thought trends are in that business field.

The "considering" part includes finding just the right photo or clip art to capture the theme of the blog post.

"Pondering" might involve formatting the text with short and snappy paragraphs to make it more readable.

Speaking of short and snappy, blogs, by definition are shorter and less formal than website pages.  There’s been much debate about the most effective length for blog posts.  The rule I’ve arrived at is "Make your post as short as possible, but not shorter!"

There is such a thing as a too-short blog. For one thing, you want to offer enough valuable information to searchers to make them realize they’ve come to the right place.  In addition, you’ve got to have some length to make your use of key words and phrases flow naturally and make sense.

It could be that neither "How long will this blog take?" nor "How long will this blog be?" is the right question to ask. Try, "How can this blog deliver the most relevant information – and the greatest ROI to the business?" 


Blogs Use Dentists, Redheads, And Sea Turtles To Teach

Indianapolis-based money manager Keenan Hawke must have been reading my Say It For You blog posts on using unlikely comparisons to engage readers. One of Hawke’s recent Indianapolis Business Journal columns is titled "Investing Lessons A Turtle Would Love".

While on vacation, the Hawke family had noticed a giant turtle crawling out of the ocean, then watched that turtle spend an hour building a nest in the sand and laying her eggs. Keenan notes that sea turtles have been around for more than a hundred million years, and he boils down the essence of that creature’s existence to simplicity and patience.  The same two characteristics, he observes, are needed for an investor to realize the goal of growing a portfolio on a long-term sustainable basis.

The comparison of a sea turtle and and investment portfolio provides an element of surprise to the Hawke IBJ piece, and at the same time, helps him clarify the points he’s trying to convey to readers.

Putting ingredients together that don’t seem to match is not only an excellent tool for creating engaging business blog content, but also a good teaching tool. Going from what is familiar to readers to the unfamiliar area of your own expertise, allows your potential customers to feel smart as well as understood.

Since the typical web searcher has a fairly short attention span, surprising contrasts help rivet attention. I know the title "Redheads need more anesthesia" had no problem riveting mine, leading me through a fascinating Journal of American Dentistry Association report on the reason redheads feel pain more acutely. 

One caution – In composing a blog using the "surprise" technique, look beyond the surprise.  Far-fetched can come across as "bait ‘n switch" if the unlikely comparison doesn’t clarify and help readers get the answers they came to find.





Be A Blog Believer, Not A Blog Bardolater

"Social media must be done well and consistently, and even then it may not work," warns Indianapolis Business Journal columnist Tim Altom, even as he acknowledges that "much of the Web market now arrives from Google searches." The smart money, he explains, is going to search engine optimization to get companies listed as far up the Google ranking as possible.

It doesn’t appear Altom’s trying to turn back the clock.  He’s actually saying something I like to emphasize about blogging – it’s just one piece of the social media spectrum, not the be-all and end-all of business marketing. How successful any one marketing tactic is depends on the nature of the business and its relationship with its customers.

Morning Coach, J.B. Gossinger’s website, has become a part of my morning routine. A Glossinger Word of the Day a couple of weeks ago comes to mind when thinking about blogs as a marketing tool for business. That word, "bardolater", was used by President Obama at the reopening of the Ford Theater in April.  Obama referred to Abraham Lincoln as a lifelong bardolater, meaning Lincoln had been an admirer of "The Bard" (alluding to Shakespeare).

Obama was paying Lincoln a compliment, but the word "bardolater" was actually coined by George Bernard Shaw as a derogatory term. Shaw referred to Shakespeare’s adoring fans as "foolish bardolaters" and "bardolatrous ignoramuses".

There’s a message here that applies to business blogs and to social media in general.  As Chris Baggott, CEO of Compendium Blogware puts it, "Blogging is a fantastic and legitimate marketing tool." But blogs are only one tactic in a business’ overall marketing strategy, not some sort of magic that singlehandedly overcomes all challenges and all challengers.

As a blogger for business, I occupy just one seat at the "table".  The other "seats" are taken up by the web designer, the marketing consultant, business manager, and sometimes an employee or two.  As Velma says in the musical Chicago, "I simply cannot do it alone!"

Real bloggers write blog posts, but they aren’t bardolaters of blogs. Real bloggers are firm believers in the power of their posts to accomplish "pull marketing" and "win search".  But real bloggers aren’t idolaters of any one marketing tactic, not even of blogs.

Real bloggers – just keep blogging!



Blogs And Snowflakes Are One-Of-A-Kind

The other day, while I was making a presentation about business blogging at a meeting of the Sertoma Club of Carmel, Indiana, I was asked a question that brought me up short:

“So, when blogging for business, do you just keep using the same material and maybe change one or two words each time?”

(Though a bit taken aback, I realized I’d been often been asked this question, just in a different version. Business owners setting out on a blogging strategy are typically concerned they’ll “run out of things to say”.)

It occurs to me that the answer to both these versions of the question might be    

Yes, snowflakes.  How can it be that no two snowflakes are identical? After all, according to The Book of Totally Useless Information, a rough estimate of the numbers of snowflakes that have fallen on earth is 1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,0000!

A snowflake needs a nucleus around which to form, explains author Don Vorhees. Usually that’s a speck of dust, sea salt, or other particle. Water vapor accumulates and freezes on the airborne particles, which are blown about as they fall towards Earth, gathering more water droplets all the way. No two specks of dust are truly identical, and the conditions of temperature and moisture are different each time; those minor changes are enough to make all snowflakes different.

The “nucleus” around which business blog posts are formed is their topic, the expertise and products that business offers. The key words and phrases around that topic are what bring readers to the blog posts. But, even though the overall topic is the same, there is endless variety that can be used to make each blog post special. (The technique I’m demonstrating here is metaphor – making an unusual comparison – in this case between snowflakes and blogs.)

As I brought out in my earlier blog post “Blogs Can Have Split Personalities”, a company’s blog can reflect different aspects of the business and the different personalities of its owners and of selected customers (through testimonials and anecdotes).

So, whether you plan to do your own business blog writing or collaborate with a professional ghost blogger like me, the content will be a way of continually thinking through your own business knowledge and business beliefs.  The blog will reflect your unique view about your industry, about the news, about the country, even about – snowflakes!



Blogging True

When blog mavens Susanna Gardner and Shane Birley say "Keep it true", they mean bloggers should double-check posts for accuracy before making them live.  "Like a newspaper writer or any other publisher, you should have a process you follow to make sure you’re publishing facts and not fiction," the two authors remind us. "Opinions are okay as long as they’re labeled as just that," they add. 

In my opinion as a professional ghost blogger, using correct spelling and grammar in your blog posts is just the beginning, because "blogging true" means a lot more than tending to basic blog "hygiene".

For one, be chary of copyright infringements. Always attribute material to its author, naming the source in your blog. If you think delving deeper into a subject will be valuable to your readers, provide a link from your blog to that source. Attributing credit where it belongs is not only a show of good online manners, it keeps you on the right side of the law (remember that all material published on the web is copyright by definition, as I brought out in my earlier blog post, "Ties That Tell The truth In Blogging").

Speaking of earlier blog posts, Gardner and Birley encourage recycling "oldies but goodies" from your own blog. To keep it "true", just tell readers you’re bringing back a thought – or even an entire post – from the archives.

An important aspect of "truth in blogging" is delivering copy that is worth your readers’ time and attention. Enriching blog posts with famous, correctly quoted, sayings is a great idea; Bartlett’s Quotations is one good source for those. Varying your vocabulary adds quality and interest to your blog posts; Roget’s Thesaurus is a good source for synonyms.

John Bartlett himself commented on the practice of "linking" to others’ writing.  While the great man left this earth more than a century ago, in 1905 B.B. (before blogging), his words are very apropos to the concept of "blogging true":

"I have gathered a posie of other men’s flowers, and nothing but the thread that binds them is mine own."

Needless to say, you’ll want more than just a thread of your own thoughts in each blog post, but Bartlett’s concept of tying others’ ideas into your posts is very apropos for business bloggers who want to enrich blog content.
