Use Unlikely Comparisons as a Teaching Tool

“From turtle doves to lords-a-leaping, the price of the ’12 Days of Christmas’ just hit a record high,” CNN observed in what I found to be a wonderfully effective use of an unlikely comparison to make an important point. In fact, every year, PNC Financial Services publishes the Christmas Price Index, measuring the average change in price for each of the items in the classic Christmas song. The tongue-in-cheek index, CNN explains, is meant “to highlight market changes over time while educating consumers about the economy”.

Years ago, I’d read a review of a band playing at a restaurant near me on Halloween, telling how this band was able to keep the crowd dancing and singing along. The reviewer had mentioned something that I continue to think is good advice for content writers: “It was especially fun to see Tammy dancing with Elvis, and a ladybug dancing with a monster”. To help capture interest, we suggest at Say It For You, put “ingredients” together that don’t seem to match.  In fact, suggesting a totally new way of using your product or service may open up new possibilities for that potential customer to do business with you.

“Turns of phrase catch readers by the curiosity,” I realized years ago. Putting ingredients together that don’t seem to match is not only an excellent tool for creating engaging business blog content, but also a good teaching tool. Going from what is familiar to readers to the unfamiliar area of your own expertise, allows your potential customers to feel smart as well as understood.

The caveat though, is that, when it comes to blog content writing, misdirection needs to end up by offering direction; if it’s overdone or too far-fetched, it can come across as “bait ‘n switch”. The unlikely comparison must clarify and help readers get the answers they came to find.

The 12 days of Christmas price index being up again concept sparked my curiosity, but, since turtledoves and French hens are not on my shopping list, the fact they’ve risen in price doesn’t really reflect my own buying patterns. Still, learning that 2023 was the first year in history in which the cost of buying all the gifts in the song passed $200,000 – that got my attention. I was now ready to learn about retail sales, wage growth, savings rates, and consumer sentiment….

Try using unlikely comparisons as teaching tools in your blog posts.


Arming Your Blog With the 4 A’s

“Use the four A’s – Acronym, Analogy, Anecdote, Alliteration – to catch the reporter’s ear and help the reader remember what you said,” Janet Falk of Falk Communications and Research advises business professionals going to a conference.

While Sharif Khan, writing in the American Marketing Association’s Business Writing Tips for Professionals thinks readers might find company acronyms annoying, at Say It For You, our content writers use acronyms to add variety, presenting information to readers in a different way.

Matching our writing to our intended audience is part of the challenge we business blog content writers face. Using an analogy to link an unfamiliar concept to something that is familiar can help the reader better comprehend what we’re trying to say. For example, blogging can be compared to a parhelion (an atmospheric optical illusion consisting of halos of light around the sun, showcasing rather than obliterating the shine). Approaching the same topic in different ways can help your content appeal to different audiences, still highlighting the central message.

Stay alert for anecdotes about customers, employees, or friends who are doing interesting things or overcoming obstacles. Real-people stories of you, your people, and the people you serve are always a good idea in your business blog. Anecdotes and examples lend variety to the blog, even though the anecdotes are being used to reinforce the same few core ideas.

To demonstrate that you understand the problems the online searcher is dealing with, it can be highly effective to relate how you personally went through the same failure stages. Next best to the business owner or professional relating an “I” experience which drives their passion, is anecdotes and testimonials from employees, customers, or vendors..

Using alliteration (consonant repetition) and assonance (vowel repetition) in blog titles has the effect of making those titles more “catchy”. In a sense, readers’ are both seeing the repetition and “hearing it”. Making a subtle but strong impact on readers is is precisely the focus of our content work at Say It For You is all about.

Content writers, try arming your blog posts with the 4 A’s!


Boxing Day For Bloggers

Day after Christmas is when Boxing Day is observed in Great Britain, Australia, and Canada, a time for retail sales, special sporting events and for making gifts to the poor. In a way, though,  for business people, today, the day after New Year’s, is our “Boxing Day”, our first best chance to put all those resolutions into practice….

Our big challenge
As content writers, our big challenge moving forward is overcoming “content shock”, which, as explains, is “the experience of being desensitized to perfectly good content by the sheer volume of texts being thrown our way every day due to technological advancement”. The secret is to make content accessible, written in a way that is easy to understand, the Readable authors advise.

Keeping it conversational
Formality may be appropriate for whitepapers, but for blogs, an informal style is preferred. At Say It For You, I stress first person business blog writing because of its one enormous advantage – it shows the people behind the posts, revealing the personality of the business owner, practitioner, or the team standing ready to serve customers. Still, all content writing in blogs is actually “second person” in that every piece of information offered has to be about the readers. I prefer first and second person writing in business blog posts over third person “reporting”.

Keeping it readable
According to, the golden rules for readability are:

  • Write at the correct reading level.(An eighth-grade reading level is recommended for most blogs. Web FX cautions).
  • Shorten your sentences. (Short sentences have “pow!”, and, particularly in titles, can be easily shared on social media.)
  • Reduce the number of long words. (Blog readers are scanners, and their eyes will focus on the most important words, the ones relating most directly to their search.)
  • Scrub your copy of jargon and acronyms. (While jargon is admittedly a handle-with-care writing technique, I believe it’s important to add lesser known bits of information, giving readers a feeling of being “in the know”.)
  • Don’t overuse adverbs.(The shorter and more direct a statement, the more impact it will have.)

Today,  the 2024″blog content writers “Boxing Day”, is the first day we have to put all these writing tips and New Year’s business-building resolutions into action….


Counting Down and Looking Up



“Yes, the end of December is the perfect time for a year-end review, for taking a few moments to look at what you’ve accomplished over the past 12 months, and taking stock of all the things you still want to accomplish,” Nathalie Thompson of so aptly writes…

Counting down the past year, you are reading the 130th semi-weekly Say It For You blog post of 2023, There have also been twelve monthly Say It For You online newsletters, Meanwhile, year-round, the team has generated dozens upon dozens of blog posts and other content pieces for our clients.

Is blogging still going to be “a thing” in 2024 and beyond? A resounding “Yes!” is our answer, The Say It For You blog is on a WordPress platform; on that platform alone, there are now more than 20 billion views per month. “Even in today’s world,” Creative Boom remarks, “where brevity rules and attention spans are seemingly at an all-time low, there undoubtedly remains a place for a regularly-maintained blog that’s crafted with care and with its audience in mind.”

While Mark Prosser of lists reasons for keeping an active business blog (driving traffic to the website, informing customers about the good work you do, sharing client testimonials, finding out what customers want, promoting your brand to potential employees, and analyzing marketing demographics), there is one important thing about blogging that I try to impress on each business or practice owner: a blog is an ongoing training course for you.

You see, the interesting thing I’ve found over the past sixteen (yes, count ’em!) years of business blogging is that the very exercise of thinking through the themes and the ideas for the blog, even if the actual content writing task is being outsourced, helps train business owners and practitioners to articulate those ideas when interacting with their own customers. In a very real sense, maintaining an active blog not only helps your business, it can help you do your business better

Meanwhile, for us on the content writing team, the ongoing learning process is the true blessing. The tremendous variety of topics –  from dry cleaning to electromagnetic fields, from family law to finance, from HVAC to dry cleaning, from air quality to architecture, organ transplants to trucking, car painting to long term care…..every assignment is a doorway to fascinating insights.

At Say It For You, we’re right there with you, counting down to the end of 2023, and looking forward – and upwards – to 2024.


Speaking Their Language in Content Marketing


“I stepped up to the deli counter and gave my order: “Eight ounces of turkey breast, please.” “We don’t sell by the ounce, only by the pound,” the clerk informed me. “So, can I get half a pound of turkey breast?”  “Sure!” (from Reader’s Digest Dec./Jan issue’s “All in a Day’s Work”)

 “In order to write an effective sales page, it’s absolutely critical to speak the language of your target market,” Joey van Kuilenburg writes in Linkedin. Drafting a list of everything you know about the people you want to reach and constructing a profile, is his advice to content marketers. Pay attention to the terminology they use, van Kuilenburg adds, including phrases and word choices. (By joining social media groups in which they are participating, asking questions, and carrying on conversations with followers, you can get a feel for their ways of expressing themselves.) “Using terms, words, phrases and acronyms that your audience themselves use, will result in your audience feeling connected and included in the conversation,” BrainyGirl Kim Garnett says.

Your own language, meanwhile, can help audience members truly understand and imagine what you are saying, the University of Wisconsin tells students.

As content writers, we know at Say It For You, before we can position any client within the marketplace, we absolutely must study the surroundings of that client’s target audience. Planning content involves thinking about how “they” (those readers, not the average readers) are likely to react or feel about any chosen approach to the subject at hand.

As content marketers, our message to the business owner and practitioner clients who hire us is this:

Your business or practice can’t be all things to all people. Everything about your blog should be tailor-made for your ideal customer – the words we use, how technical we get, how sophisticated the approach to a subject, the title of each blog entry – all must focus on what together we learn about your target market – their needs, their preferences, their questions. – Only secondarily is it important to discuss how wonderful you and your staff are at satisfying those needs and preferences.

Helping our clients define their audience is the first step in the process. Are they more likely to ask for a pound or for eight ounces of that turkey breast? 
