It’s OK, Indianapolis Bloggers – Tell ‘Em Everything You Told ‘Em a Long Time Ago
Whether you’re trying to get your home ready to sell or trying to get a start on corporate blog writing for your business, you’re sure to hear a lot of advice about keeping things “fresh” and “new”.
Well, paint and flowers may do it for curb appeal, but, when it comes to business blogging, it’s not so easy, is it? In corporate blogging training sessions, I'm constantly hearing that the biggest challenge business owners face is sustaining their SEO marketing blogs over long periods of time.
I couldn’t help relating that dilemma to a humorous Reader’s Digest anecdote I came across the other day:
My 85-year-old uncle and his wife were sitting quietly in their living room, each in their matching recliners. After a while, my aunt asked, “How come you never talk to me anymore?” My uncle replied, “I told you everything I know a long time ago!”
“A simple technique to update the look of your shop is to move things around,” says Karen Lee, “captain” at EcoEtsy. “Take a few items that are hidden away on page 4 of your listings and move them up to the front page….Shift items from the bottom of the page up to the top. Tweak descriptions,” Lee advises. “Seasons change, and so do trends… Every so often, ensure descriptions are up to date and relevant for shoppers.”
Indianapolis blog content writers can use the same tactic by calling attention in a business blog to “old” information that hasn’t been highlighted for awhile, reminding readers of an “old” point, but presenting it in a new light.
While building a loyal reader following is a result to be desired, most Say It for You corporate blogging clients, particularly in the early to middle stages of a business blogging initiative, want business blogging help focused on two business goals: Getting “found” and getting their cash register to ring. That translates into content that is not pnly interesting and engaging, but which immediately conveys the message to online searchers “You’ve come to the right place”, then offers them alternative Calls to Action.
Two of the “8 Tips for Improving Your Memory” offered by PsychCentral’s Editor-in-Chief John Grohol are worth passing along to Indianapolis blog content writers:
“The more senses you involve, the more strong a memory becomes.” Basic information about your business, material you’ve presented again and again in earlier business blog posts, can assume new power when you relate that content to different sounds, sights, or smells.
“Organize it.” Presenting material you’ve discussed before, but organizing it differently, can make a big difference. Some formats to try:
Question /answer
Alphabetized lists and glossaries
- Relating to news items
Sometimes, after months and years of composing content, we business blog writers can feel like that elderly uncle in the Readers’ Digest anecdote –we’re told them everything we know a long time ago. But by adding a few new items, rearranging some old ones, and staying alert to changing vocabulary and trends, we can keep our blogs fresh and new, never running out of things we just can’t wait to say!

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