Plainspoken Content Marketing

I always enjoy Richard Lederer’s columns in the Mensa Bulletin; the author’s “Stamp Out Fadspeak satire in the January 2025 issue was particularly relevant to content marketing. English parlance is in a “cringeworthy state”, Lederer complains, all because of “fadspeak”, consisting of clichés and way-overused terminology. “Work with me on this,” Lederer mimes. “I’ve been around the block…I’m not the elephant in the room or the 800-pound gorilla.” Lederer ends his rant with “Now that I’ve been able to tell it like it is in real time, I’m outta here.” 

When writing web content, the Bureau of Internet Accessibility advises, the best option is to avoid jargon. If you’re using a professional term, is it giving your audience essential information, or are you using it to make your content sound more important? Plain language is usually the best tool for getting your message across.

“At one time, the cliché you’re using was likely a creative and precise way to make the point, but no more,” says Megan Krause of, listing 35 of the most overused phrases in content marketing, including “low-hanging fruit”, “circling back”, “in a nutshell”, and “at the end of the day”. Ask yourself what you’re really trying to say and then say it with dynamic, decisive language, Krause recommends.

But what about using jargon in blog writing for business? In general, jargon is a “handle-with-care” writing technique, because readers are impatient to find the information they need without any navigational or terminology hassle. On the other hand, we realize at Say It For You, industry or profession-unique terminology can be used as a way of establishing common ground with a select audience of readers, increasing their sense of being part of a group sharing specialized knowledge.

Marketing clichés can be so overused that you’d be hard pressed to know what company is offering to “take you to the next level”, Brooke Sellas writes in BSquaredMedia. Instead of touting how “efficient” or “effective” your product or service is, she advises, “get real” with case studies, testimonials, or other outcomes or results. Stop saying you’ll “go the extra mile” or “above and beyond”, which just makes you sound like every other provider on earth. Instead of presenting your company as “outside the box; say something that actually describes how you’re different.

“Business cliché’s were fresh and meaningful once upon a time,” concedes Dave Baker of Super Copy Editors, “but their best days are long behind them.”

As content marketers, we often find industry terminology to be useful and informative. Cliches, in contrast, should be “outta here”.

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