Should Blog Titles Tell All?
Besides being an absolutely fascinating read, Popular Science Magazine‘s special collector’s edition “Journey to the Future” offers a course in creating interesting titles (a topic of extreme interest, as you may imagine, to any blog content writer).
Of course, when it comes to blogs, the very first piece of information readers are going to receive is the title of the post. We want the searcher to click on the link, and of course we want search engines to offer our content as a match for readers seeking information and guidance on our topic. More than that, though, a blog post title in itself constitutes a set of implied promises to visitors. In essence, you’re saying, “If you click here, you’ll be led to a post that in fact discussing the topic mentioned in the title.
Here are some very straightforward titles from Popular Science Magazine:
- Quantum Computing: the Future of AI
- Will Robots Help or Harm? That’s Up to Humans
- The Future of Transplants
- Boosting Memory
In blogs, as we teach at Say It For You, even the tone of the title constitutes a promise of sorts, telling the searcher whether the content is going to be humorous, satirical, controversial, cautionary, or simply informative. Then, for SEO (Search Engine Optimization) purposes, the title needs to contain keyword phrases, which each of these titles does. At the same time, an important purpose of marketing blogs is inducing searchers to read the post, and for that, the title must arouse curiosity and interest.
Curiosity-piquing titles in this Popular Science issue include:
- Get Ready to Sniff Disease
- Engineered for Ethics
- Running on Reckless
- Eyes on the Earth
- Re-defining Meat
- Always on Duty
(Fascinating, curious titles, but you don’t really know what sort of content to expect in the article to come.)
One compromise is what I call the “Huh?-Oh!” two-part title, in which the first part is an attention-getter, with more of an explanation in the second part.
Examples of two-part titles from Popular Science:
- All Together Now – Human Societies are the Technologies of the Future and Cooperation is the Fuel
- The Extra-Dimensional Artist – When Visual Art and Augmented reality Merge
One popular misconception I run into as a business blogging trainer is that blog titles need to be what I would call “cutesy”, meaning they must have an enticing “ring” to them that arouses attention. My opinion – Cutesy belongs in baby clothes. Yes, blog post titles need to capture attention, but when readers click on a link, they need to find material that is congruent with what the title promised would be there.

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