The Long and the Short of Business Blog Writing
“So which is better for you: long or short content?” Rob Marsh asks on
The short of it as per “Write short, pithy posts. After 750 words – or sometimes after only half that – you risk losing your readers’ attention”.
The long of it as per Buffer: “Posts longer than 2,500 words received more than twice the social shares of posts less than 2,500 words long.”
But, forget long vs. short. What do people actually read? March asks. An easy way to “fatten up” your thin content is to make it longer, but should you, he wonders. In other words, what do human beings prefer? According to the data lab, the optimal posts take the average reader seven minutes to read.
To succeed with longer content, you have to use your WORDS, March cautions.
W –well researched, with examples and case studies
There’s a privilege to blogging, I always tell content writers, and that privilege comes with a duty we have to offer usable, high-quality, well-researched content, presented in quality fashion. Our online readers have a right to expect no less.
O – outstanding, triggering an emotional response.
At Say It For You, I tell blog content writers that one reason I prefer first and second person writing in business blog posts over third person “reporting” is that I believe people tend to buy when they see themselves in the picture and when can they relate emotionally to the person bringing them the message.
R – regularly posted
Recency and frequency are crucial. Once-in-a-while blogging just doesn’t do the trick, even if it’s high-quality stuff. To satisfy a search engine, your blog material must be updated frequently, and I mean very frequently. It seems that when it comes to blogging for business, search engines are saying, “Never mind what you’ve done. What have you done for me lately?”
D – designed to encourage reading
A scannable, easy-on-the-eye layout, with subheads, bolding, graphics, and paragraph breaks ,keeps readers’ attention.
S – substantive – important and covering the subject in depth
Blog posts that demonstrate a high degree of expertise backed by solid research, plus a very high degree of focus, give readers a sense that paying attention longer is “worthwhile”.
So which is better for you? At Say it For You, my own motto over the years has been this:
Make blog posts as long as they need to be to get the point across, but not a single sentence longer!

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