Ask Using the Power of One


When Steve Rupp, creator of the Premier Connect Coaching for realtors, shared a gem of prospecting wisdom at a recent meeting of our networking group, InfoConnect2, I was reminded of one of our long-held Say It For You content-creation mantras – the Power of One.

A good referral “ask”, Rupp emphasized, is very, very specific – in terms of both category and time frame:

“Within the next 13 days (choosing an odd, specific timeframe adds
focus and makes the task more memorable – and more actionable), can you introduce me to someone you know who is talking about building a new home?” (As a realtor, you also want to meet buyers and sellers of existing homes – but today you’re focused on planting a “trigger phrase” in your fellow networkers’ minds: building a home).

When it comes to creating marketing content for our clients, we at Say It For You firmly believe in Power- of- One specificity:

  • One message (per article or post)
  • One outcome (describe one desired outcome)
  • One audience (base the content on the target audience for that one “ask”)
  • One writer (One Say It For You writer, as opposed to the team, is better positioned to forge a relationship with each client)
  • One client per market (thereby avoiding conflicts of interests)

A business blog post, for example, should impart one new idea or call for a single action. Focused on one thing, your post has greater impact, since people are bombarded with many messages each day. Respecting readers’ time will produce better content marketing results.

In asking friends, clients, or colleagues to introduce you to potential customers, Steve Rupp emphasized, be specific. At Say It For You, we agree.

Using the Power of One, we’ve found, is the best way to create content!


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