Entries by Rhoda Israelov

5 Ways to Create Delicious Omelets and Blog Posts

There are four types of omelets, Course Hero explains: American style, French Style, Frittata, and Souffle. Interesting information, I thought, but Upfront Magazine’s article “Good Eggs: 5 Ways With Omelets” is a better example for my blog content writers. Why?  The Upfront piece went beyond providing information to readers, offering ways they can put that […]


Help Blog Readers See Themselves in Your “Home”

In “Stage a Home That Sells”, AARP’s Upfront/LIVE magazine is talking about appealing to young couples when selling real estate, but what I noticed is that three of the recommendations listed under “What Buyers Want” are made to order for blog content writers, no matter what the product or service we’re marketing: “Buyers want a […]


A Recommended List of Reading Genres for Better Business Blogging

“Reading fiction, it seems, could be a way to break old habits and unlock more effective, empathetic marketing,” Carina Rampell of the Content Marketing Institute observes, quoting William Faulkner. (Good news for me; since the pandemic stay-at-home thing began, I’ve worked my way through some 18 different novels!) Like all writers, marketers have a lot […]


Best Communication Practices for Business Blogging

No surprise – a special research study conducted for the Journal of Financial Planning on ways planners communicate with clients showed that, in most categories, more communication is better.  But exactly what kinds of communication matter most? As Evan Beach, CFP® reports in the article, several different types of communication were examined: 1.  Educational pieces […]
