Entries by Rhoda Israelov

In Blogging for Business, the Operative Word Isn’t “Anyone”!

“What do you notice when you visit a model home in a new development? Often you will find wonderfully furnished and decorated rooms that anyone could live in.” So begins an article I received the other day from my realtor friend Gadi Boukai, stressing that “the operative word is ‘anyone’”. Professionals who set up a […]


Guest blog post: The Buyer’s Guide to Choosing a Differentiator

  Today’s blog post was contributed by networking colleague Karen Sullivan, founder of Sullivan Solutions, which helps entrepreneurial companies augment their in-house marketing. Many of the insights offered here are useful for blog content writers… In a world of so many choices, shopping can be harrowing. Whether you are shopping for the perfect pair of […]


Business Blogging – Staying Silent is the Wrong Choice

“The COVID19 pandemic has put much of the world on pause. Blogging shouldn’t be one of them, writes Manish Dudharejia in the Search Engine Journal. Staying slilent is the wrong choice. Dudharejia names several reasons why: People are on their digital devices more than ever now. You have an opportunity to produce messaging that is […]
