Entries by Rhoda Israelov

Content Creators – Craftsmen, Not Artists

“If you build something for a specific purpose, you measure success by how well your creation serves that function. If you make pure art, your accomplishment is exclusively determined by how the creation makes you feel,” posit the authors of The Big Book of Big Secrets. “A craftsperson also follows a creative spirit, but his […]


A Ghost Blogger’s Thoughts on Thanksgiving Day

“There are many approaches to recognition,” explain Chip and Dan Heath, authors of The Power of Moments. Some are spontaneous and no-nonsense, some warm and caring, they note, but “what’s important is authenticity, being personal and not programmatic”. What’s more, expressing gratitude has a boomerang effect, elevating the spirits of the grateful person, the Heaths […]


It’s Not the Blog That Makes You Rich

“I’m not the guy that makes you rich; I’m the guy that helps keep you from being poor”. That unusual self-intro by financial advisor and insurance agent Jeffrey Eric Frank from Wayne, Pennsylvania really captured my attention at a recent virtual networking meeting, Of course, as a former financial advisor myself, I immediately understood the […]


Building Your Unique Selling Proposition

Today’s guest blog post was contributed by Certified Business Coach Andrew Valley of Westerfield, Ohio. With over 40 years of experience managing businesses and team, Valley has a proven track record of growing sales and profits.  The ActionCoach may be contacted at andrewvalley@actioncoach.com or by phone at 614 746 5969. Don’t tell them what you […]
