Entries by Rhoda Israelov

Embracing the Encouraging Side of Blogging

Corbett Barr, writing in thinktraffic.net, encourages blog writers to “embrace your encouraging side.” There’s plenty of cynicism and negativity in the world, Barr says, and sometimes readers just want to be encouraged. I heartily agree. In fact, one of the things we tell content writers is that the last thing you want to do in […]


5 Marketing Strategies Your Business Needs to thrive in the COVID-19 Era

       Today’s post was contributed by guest Amy Collet, creator of Bizwell.org, a website that helps professionals and entrepreneurs build and strengthen their personal brand. She is also the author of the upcoming book, You, Exemplified: The Role of Personal Branding in Your Professional Life.  While thousands of companies have had to pause […]


Blogging to Make Them Want to See Things the Way You Do

Communicating with pictures and words is what Dan Roam’s little book for speakers, Show and Tell: How Everybody Can Make Extraordinary Presentations is all about. The purpose, the author says, of creating and delivering a report pitch, or story, is t make it s captivating that our audience wants to see things the way we […]


Knowing What They Want Lets You Give it to Them in Your Blog

Persuasive presentations move smoothly through four stages, called the AIDA pattern: (A= attention, I= interest, D=desire, and A=action), explains Kenneth R. Mayer in his book Well Spoken. Calls to Action in persuasive blog posts, as we know at Say It For You, can succeed only if the content writer has tapped into an underlying need […]


Are You Putting Red Lipstick on Your Blog?

  This week’s Say It For You blog posts feature more helpful advice based on Brant Pinvidic’s powerful little book The 3-Minute Rule…. “Brant, are you putting on red lipstick?” TV producer and sales coach Brant Pinvidic remembers his mom (herself president of a global organization). asking him whenever she sensed he had been emphasizing […]
