Entries by Rhoda Israelov

Using the Power of the Imperative Tense in Your Blog

    In a tutorial article “Make the Most of Your Gatherings”, Property Brothers Drew and Jonathan make the most of the power of the imperative tense: “Go in with a game plan,” they advise. “Set up a drink station.” “Layer the lighting.” “Build a charcuterie board.” “Encourage play.” Even their party planning advice is […]


Blogging to Offer a New Look

  The 2023 Harris’ Farmer’s Almanac offers “A New Look at Warren G Harding”, who, for decades, had been labeled by many historians as our worst president. During his 882 days in office, Harding had indeed made some bad choices. Several of his cabinet appointees took bribes; his extra-marital affairs were well-known. Reporters called him […]


There Are More Than One Boy-Meets-Girl Blogging Arcs

“At its very heart, I believe that there is only one story arc in the world,” writes Sonali Dev. “There’s a character in an uncomfortable situation and they must find a way to resolve it.” The narrative arc refers to the structure and shape of a story, the sequence of occurrences in the plot. A […]
