Entries by Rhoda Israelov

Can Your Blog Pass the Emotive & Information Power Response Tests?

(There’s a test for those, didn’t you know?) Since emotional response towards advertising plays an important part in building a strong brand, researchers at the University of Bath, working with Nielson, came up with two ways to score ads. Information Power Score – measures what the consumer perceives as the value of the message Emotive […]


Marketing a Professional Practice Through Business Blogs

“Services – unlike products – cannot be seen, touched, held, etc. Buyers only know the true value of your service after they receive it (often with full effects taking place weeks or months later,” Oren Smith of Precision Marketing Group explains. Since, at Say It For You, our content writers serve the needs of both […]


Collating and Curating in Business Blogs – What’s the Dif?

  “Expressing our love, gratitude and appreciation to others on the New Year by sending happy New Year messages for friends and loved ones is a great way to share in this spirit of renewal and joy with those around us,” Richard Kronick writes in the Huffington Post, proceeding to list samples of funny New Year […]


New Year Resolutions for Blog Content Writers

  During the holidays, at least here in America, we seem to be “into” list-making. From shopping lists to Santa’s twice-checked  list, we now culminate the series with lists of New Year’s resolutions. Looking back at the past year of offering Say It For You business blogging assistance, I found several simple lists I used […]


Why “Blog” and “Glob” are Antigrams

When most people talk of anagrams, the Book of Random Oddities explains, they mean words that can have their letters rearranged to make other words, such as “bat” and “tab”. In the world of recreational wordplay, though, an anagram is a rearrangement of the letters in a word, phrase, or sentence to make a new […]
