Entries by Rhoda Israelov

Question/Answer Blogging Benefits Readers and Bloggers

  The one-page advertorial in the February issue of Indy Kids’ Directory could serve as the perfect model for any professional practitioner’s blog post, I thought. The page is headed by a parent’s question: “My child is struggling with reading.  Could it be related to his speech difficulties?” Yes, begins the answer. The speech pathologist, […]


Business Blog Writing to Boost Readers’ Brains – and Your Own – Part B

The deeper I delved into that delightful little book. Brain-Boosting Challenges, the more I realized how right I’ve been about the “training effect” of a business blog.  As you’re busy describing your accomplishments and reviewing the benefits of your products and services, you’re keeping them fresh in your own mind, constantly providing yourself with training […]


Business Blog Writing to Boost Readers’ Brains – and your Own

Turns out I was right about the “training effect” of a business blog. When you blog, I like to say, you verbalize the positive aspects of your business in a way that people can understand. You put your recent accomplishments down in words. You review the benefits of your products and services and keep them […]
