Entries by Rhoda Israelov

Smart and Humanizing Blogging About “Alumni”

  In my last post I took inspiration from Nuvo editor Laura McPhee, who devoted an entire section of the paper to highlighting NUVO alumni, people who had worked at Nuvo, then departed for “better things”. From my vantage point as a professional blog content writer, I thought McPhee’s idea was fabulously innovative. Sure, many […]


Business Blogging Tips Out of Consumer Reports Magazine – Part A

2.8 billion.  That was the entire headline – “2.8 billion” of an article in the March issue of Consumer Reports Magazine. How could you not want to find out more? The first paragraph of the article consisted of three very short sentences: “That’s how many robocalls – computer-generated calls – were sent to Americans in […]


Steering Clear of Duplicate Content in Business Blogging

“Blogs are owned media.  Your blog content is yours,” Says Heidi Cohen of SocialMediaExaminer.com. But is it? “They say imitation is the sincerest form of flattery. Yet, on the Internet, some people take this type of compliment way too far,” laments Nick Schafferhoff of torquemag.io, and “copied content runs rampant online.” Schafferhoff’s referring to duplicate […]
