Entries by Rhoda Israelov

Seguidilla Blogging for Business

    Poems often follow a particular set of rules.  The rules might be about: the number of lines the number of stanzas the number of lines the length of each stanza For example, sonnets have 14 lines, and use line-ending rhymes. Limericks have five lines, with the third and fourth lines rhyming (an AABBA […]


Powerful Paragraphs and Sentences in Blogging for Business

“Construct your paragraphs with a good eye as well as a good mind,” advises Richard Anderson in Powerful Writing Skills.  What does that mean? Consider how the paragraph looks on the page – would it be more appealing to the eye to divide it into two paragraphs? Anderson’s reasoning includes the following considerations: Enormous blocks […]


Blogging for Business With a Long Tail

  Keyword phrases come in two “sizes” – short tail and long tail, verticalresponse.com explains to adword buyers. Short tails consist of one or two words and, because people are likely to search those terms more often, they bring in more online traffic. Long tails typically consist of 3-5 words, targeting more specific searches. The […]


Odds-of Comparison Blogging for Business

“Odds of opioid death higher than car crash,” a recent Indianapolis Star headline read. Since, at Say It For You, I’m always alert for ways to approach creating original content for business owners’ and professional practitioners’ blogs, that headline caught my attention. One way to make business blog content impactful, I teach at Say It For You, […]


Don’t-Bother-With….Blogging for Business

  At Say It For You, I’m always on the lookout for different “templates”, not in the sense of platform graphics, but in terms of formats for presenting information about any business or pro practice.  Possibilities include: how-to posts list posts review posts op ed opinion posts interview posts By varying the format or template, you can revisit […]
