Entries by Rhoda Israelov

Tell-Me-How Blogs

Readers Digest is obviously aware of a certain not-so-secret secret: Useful, everyday advice hits the spot with readers. The Digest “tips” are meant to apply to a broad range of consumers and describe easy-to-implement “fixes” and processes, including: Clever uses – for ammonia, vinegar, club soda, aluminum foil, apples, you name it… Safety mistakes to […]


Framing the Facts in Blog Marketing

For us business blog content writers, it’s important to remember that every choice of words we make involves framing. Our goal is positioning our story in a way that our audience can focus on and respect. Blog readers need to perceive a business owner or professional practitioner as an expert, I teach at Say It […]


Thanksgiving is a Good Time to Talk Turkey About Blog Posts

Despite the flair of those TV Chefs who seem to nonchalantly add “a dash” of this or that seasoning, as you’re preparing the Thanksgiving feast, it’s a good idea to measure the ingredients and the cooking time. Is it important to measure your time in blogging for business? Well…“It’s better to be roughly right than […]
