Use First-Person Power in Business Blogs
…rest of us…” “The voice of a writer is usually easier to hear in first person,” says William Cane in Writer’s Digest, expressing the thought that third person narratives mimic…
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…rest of us…” “The voice of a writer is usually easier to hear in first person,” says William Cane in Writer’s Digest, expressing the thought that third person narratives mimic…
To hear Ran Walker of Writer’s Digest tell it, our content writing would be much more effective when couched in second person. With first person writing, Walker observes, the…
…revealing the personality of the person or the team standing ready to serve customers. “At —— Dry Cleaners, we believe….” “At ——— Heating & Air, we always…..” “Despite the widely…
…has to showcase the people behind the posts. Using first and second person pronouns gives a sense of revealing the personality and the beliefs of the business owner or of…
“We see potential everywhere, whether it’s a purse or a person,” declares the Goodwill Guy in the TV ad, referring to the fact that donations of goods are turned into…
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