Them-Real-Now Blogging for Business

Audiences today don't want scripting, explained humorist Jeff Fleming in the workshop for speakers I attended.  Audiences DO want three things, he went on to say:

  • Them
  • Real
  • Now

Our audiences (our blog readers) want the same three things, I realized, and we freelance blog content writers had better keep those concepts at the forefront in our work.




In creating content for SEO marketing blogs, we should remember that people are online searching for answers to questions they have and for solutions to dilemmas they're facing. It's all about them as potential customers and clients, never about the business owners and professionals for whom we're posting.  In fact, sometimes searchers haven't formulated their questions and we need to do that for them.

We're there to engage those blog readers and show them we understand the dilemmas they're facing.  In fact, a business blog is the ideal vehicle for going right to the heart of any possible customer fears or concerns and laying the groundwork for understanding and trust.

Even before we begin to write, we need to think, "But, enough about us! It's all about them!"



Author and speaker Debbie Weil says the #1 rule for blogging is: Write from your passion! The big advantage of blogs is that they're personal.  The business owners' personality and character need to be revealed in each post.  A blog must unmistakably demonstrate to online readers that, in this business or practice, they've found the "real deal"!



Centering blog content around current happenings is always a good idea.  It's a way of "playing off" already existing popular interest while possibly helping online search results.  Reading everything from newspapers and magazines to billboards and brochures is one sure-fire way to spark ideas for promoting clients' products and services.  To keep reader excitement and engagement, we have to keep adding to our own body of knowledge – in our industry or professional field and about what's going on around us in our culture.  In other words, we need to stay in the now!


Them. Real. Now.  Three magic terms in blogging for business!

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